News, Announcements, & Dev Log

Posted by

on 2025-01-04 01:37:03

Enter your Goatling and item designs for a chance to get them temporarily added to the Battle Center, and permanently added to the Shopping District!
Note: These will not retire like previous Battle Center Goatlings. Goatling and items will be added to the Shopping District after one month of Battle Center activity.

+ First Place - Free AD of their designs and items, 1 Adoption Ticket, 10 Sugar Star Cluster Bags
+ Runner Up - 30 Goat Tokens, 5 Sugar Star Cluster Bags
+ Honorable Mention - 20 Goat Tokens


Greetings Fanlings!
The Tip-A-Mod Event Fundraiser is now open!

Divine Guardian gift items are designed by r00p (Send Love!)
More About TAM
Tip-A-Mod a unique annual event fundraiser that has been created as a way to show appreciation for our incredibly passionate Goatling Staff!
This is a totally optional event fundraiser to thank, and show appreciation to the hard working team that makes possible. We only ask members who are comfortable and able to send tips as a thank you. That being said, we can't resist passing the love along, and so we have created a set of thank you gifts for members who participate in TAM!
Divine Guardian items are only available during TAM events, and will return annually. As a very special bonus gift, the top 3 supporters of TAM will receive a Design Pass!
For more information please CLICK HERE to visit the main event fundraiser page!
Thank you!


I wanted to make a direct announcement for you all to say how grateful I am for all of you, and that I am so proud we've been able to do so much with you, and our team over the years.
As another year approaches a satisfying close, we are looking back and appreciating all of the hard work that goes on behind-the-scenes to keep the site a safe and welcoming environment, improving features, and adding more fun things to do!
As Members have expressed their interest in wanting to specially support our hard working staff members, I am happy to say there are many ways to do so! Sending love, posting encouraging messages, enjoying your time here, and simply being excited about updates, make us all very happy, motivated, and grateful!
And while Goatling Staff are compensated for their time, I'd like to open the opportunity to directly support our team by sending them an optional tip for their service!
So, in response to this idea, we have prepared a unique annual event fundraiser as a way to show appreciation for our incredibly passionate Goatling Staff!
In essence, this event is an opportunity to directly tip a end-of-year bonus to the Goatling Staff members, and so we have dubbed it; Tip-A-Mod (aka TAM)!

This is a totally optional event fundraiser to thank, and show appreciation to the incredible team that makes possible. We only ask members who are comfortable and able to send tips as a thank you. That being said, we can't resist passing the love along, and so we have created a set of thank you gifts for members who participate in TAM!

Exclusive Goatlings and items will be gifted to members who are able to participate in TAM! These items are only available during TAM events, and will return annually.

As a very special bonus gift, the top 3 supporters of TAM will receive a very special gift: a Design Pass!
With a Design Pass, a member gets to choose any unofficial Goatling and/or item designs to be added to the Princely Premiums VIP Shop! As long as the designs follow our Design Guidelines and Terms Of Service, any theme is acceptable.
To learn more about Design Passes, please CLICK HERE.
We encourage members to only tip what they can personally afford, and what they are personally comfortable with donating. The list of donors will be hidden to prevent unhealthy competition or overspending, and we will not reveal the status of individual members, even if asked by said member. After the event, Design Pass winners may reveal who they are if they so choose, or remain completely anonymous throughout the process. Additionally, if a top donor doesn’t wish to keep their Design Pass, they can notify staff who will pass it on to the next eligible member.

Goatling Staff participating in this Tip-A-Mod event: TBA
100% of tips will be distributed evenly across the participating staff members!
I’d like to thank you all once again, for another wonderful year on Goatlings, as well as thank everyone who makes this site possible. I look forward to spending another great year together!
Thank you!


Greetings Fanlings!
The votes are in for the most popular January Design-A-Goatling Birthday/New Years design! Thank you all for entering and voting for your favorites! The top votes go to:
Silver and Gold by @LostSilver - Votes: 292 - First Place
Hopeful Future by @Dirgeserval - Votes: 203 - Runner Up
Countdown by @haurchefant - Votes: 140 - Honorable Mention
Countdown Cutie by @kattenprinsen - Votes: 82
Firework Friend by @CozyCryptids - Votes: 51
Yeti and Minions have come to the Battle Center and are ready to challenge your Goatlings to a friendly battle. Train your Goatlings and collect amazing loot!

Don't forget to save a couple stamps for your collection! If you're really lucky you may win a few Goat Tokens to use on the seasonal Token Game!
Yeti and Minions will stick around until about January 31st. Afterwards Design-A-Goatling loot will be permanently added to the Shopping District. Yeti, Minions, and their Stamps will return next January.
Design-A-Goatling prizes have been distributed! Thank you all for participating!


Welcome Year 2025!
Greetings Fanlings! is now officially entering it's 14th year! May this year be full of good times, great friendships, and adorable goats!
Let's take a moment to reflect on our personal growth, appreciate our accomplishments, and to celebrate our dazzling community! By working together, went from 699 Goatlings to 793 Goatlings, and from 7,412 items to 7,956 items!
Thank you everyone for helping to make what it is today! We look forward to sharing the Goatlings world with you for many more years to come!
To commemorate and thank everyone for joining us during this past year, the Goat Princess is gifting Year 13 Badges for a very limited time (about 48 hours). Visit her soon to snag one for your profile collection!

and enter the code:
Many fun events, new Goatlings, and updates, are planned for this year and we can't wait to share them with you!
Here's to a great New Year!


Below are the top referrers from last month and the number of members they've referred!
Thank you everyone, and welcome to the new members!
hamsterhero12 - 6
trigun - 4
flesh - 3

Thank you everyone, and welcome to the new members!
hamsterhero12 - 6
trigun - 4
flesh - 3

The weekly Sugar Star Raffle has been drawn! Congratulations to 2000 who has won 1012000 Sugar Stars!



Greetings Fanlings!
The residents of the Goatlings Kingdom would like to share with you a very special end of the year tradition!
All year long Goatlings save their biggest and prettiest Sugar Stars and turn them into charms. On the last day of the year (December 31st) Goatlings gather together and stay up late in order to greet the New Year at midnight! In the hours before midnight, the Sugar Star Charms are given to others to express an important message.
The color of each charm represents something different.

Pink - I care about you, you're my good friend!
Blue - You're appreciated, I'm glad you're here!
Yellow - Good luck and prosperity in the New Year!
Purple - I love you!
Orange - I'm sorry.
Green - I forgive you.
White - Thank you!
So, if you've have something meaningful to say to someone but haven't had a good chance yet, or it's to hard to say out loud, the Sugar Star Festival is the perfect time to let it out!
Today is the day to pass out your charms and stay up late to greet the new year! Send a Sugar Star Charm to another member by clicking the charm in your inventory, choose 'Give To Friend' from the drop down menu and click 'Use', then enter the member's name and click 'Send Item'.
When Goat Time strikes midnight, everyone yells "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" to wish everyone a good new year! The Goat Princess will then gift a special Year Badge to commemorate, and thank everyone for joining us during the past year.

and enter the code:
Additional Sugar Star Charms and Lucky Boxes can be found in the Diamond Dust shop!
Note: Sugar Star Festival items will not retire, however they will only be available in December.


Find the Princely Premiums VIP Shop at the Shopping District in the VIP Lounge.

Lunitidal Lupin Goatling and accompanying items are original member designs by @Ikkyoutan (Send Love)
Lunitidal Lupin set was selected by N/A who was one of our Design Pass holders from the 2023 Tip-A-Mod event! Thank you for your support!
Happy shopping!

The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.
Alison won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!
CloudyComets won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!
Nifty_ won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!
Bumblebunny won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!

Alison won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!
CloudyComets won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!
Nifty_ won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!
Bumblebunny won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 2, 8 and 2! Jackpot: 77250 Sugar Stars!