News, Announcements, & Dev Log

Vote by clicking the like button next to your favorite Pisces Goatling design! Choose wisely because you cant take back your vote. Please only vote 1-3 times. (Top choice or top three choices) Voting will be open until Feb 28th.
CLICK HERE to vote!
+ First Place - AD of their design, 1,000,000 Sugar Stars, and 800 Diamond Dust
All First Place designs will be released to the AD Shop
+ Runner Up - 500,000 Sugar Stars and 400 Diamond Dust
+ Honorable Mention - 300,000 Sugar Stars and 200 Diamond Dust
+ Free HA buddy item for everyone who submitted a design!
CLICK HERE for main event page with details and schedule!


Since a lot of interest has been expressed in the unclaimed Indie items we have decided to hold a mini fundraiser champagne right here on the site! All Indie items are now available for a limited time in the Cash Shop! They are located under the Limited Edition tab and will remain there for a month (until March 19th) and until the fundraising goal is met. If the goal isn't met within a month they will remain there until it is! All funding that comes from the Cash Shop will go towards this fundraiser!
Our fundraising goal is $1,700! This much is needed to pay off the remaining programing bill!

How to help!
Simply buying Diamond Dust for the cash shop is all you need to do! Every purchase goes right into funding the site!
Your support will help keep this beloved pet site running smoothly for years to come. Thank you!


Please vote by clicking the like button next to your favorite Aquarius Goatling! Choose wisely because you cant take back your vote. Please only vote 1-3 times. (Top choice or top three choices) Voting will be open until Feb 23rd.
CLICK HERE to vote!
+ First Place - AD of their design, 1,000,000 Sugar Stars, and 800 Diamond Dust
All First Place designs will be released to the AD Shop
+ Runner Up - 500,000 Sugar Stars and 400 Diamond Dust
+ Honorable Mention - 300,000 Sugar Stars and 200 Diamond Dust
CLICK HERE for main event page with details and schedule!


An old friend has returned to the Battle Center! The Cootie Baddy is at it again! Trying to steal all the loveable feels for himself! Let's teach him the meaning of sharing! Save Duchess Heartthrob from being horded by Cootie and you may get an Appearance Doll or other treats in the process!
The Cootie Baddy will be sticking around until March 15th. After that his loot will retire!
Duchess Heartthrob is a member created design by @Cometkins so make sure to give her some extra love today!


Want to say something special to your favorite someone but don't quite know how to say it? Try one of these Goatling themed Sweethearts Day cards! Print them out, cut them out, and hand them out to awesome people or even your awesome self! These were put together by a few of our fantastically lovely members! Thank you all for these special cards @cinnristreusel @Elf @GoatPrince @Komaeda @Loki @ruu @sinny
(These members will receive a Limited Edition DN Icon as a little thank you soon!)


Happy Sweethearts Day everyone! Love yourself, love what you do, love everyone around you!
A fragrant symbol of love, these roses are just for you! Get Red Rose Clip, White Rose Clip, and Black Rose Clip in the HA Buddy Boutique. If your feeling flattered or shy you might just blush! Find Blush in the VIP shop. If your feeling a little grumpy from all the sweet sweetiepie sweetness, find your best Grumpy Face in the HA Buddy Boutique.

+ Level Gemdrop bug has been fixed.
+ "SuperGoat" stats have been reset.
+ Baddy stats have been reset for "SuperGoats".
As a apology for this, and as a thank you for putting up with the other bugs/errors until we can get them fixed, and for just being awesome, we have given EVERYONE a free Adoption Ticket!!!
+ Lucky Hit and Fierce Attack pet move errors have been fixed.
+ Refresh block/warning popup implemented on purchase confirmation page for Diamond Dust shop to prevent multiple buys of the same item.
+ Gallery stock and storefront page-turn issue fixed.
+ Random loggout issue is still being looked at!
+ Club Donation system polished up.
+ Admin rank in Clubs can no longer be created or deleted.
+ If you previously deleted your Admin rank please let me know via Goatmail and we will restore your rank! Even if you already told me, please remind me so I can make sure your on the list!
+ Limited Edition item in the Diamond Dust shop will retire today so grab one while you can!
+ Spring Bunny, Heatwave, Queen Snake, Cold Frisson, and Surprise Box, Battle Center baddys are leaving today as well so make sure to get one more fight in while you can!

+ "SuperGoat" stats have been reset.
+ Baddy stats have been reset for "SuperGoats".
As a apology for this, and as a thank you for putting up with the other bugs/errors until we can get them fixed, and for just being awesome, we have given EVERYONE a free Adoption Ticket!!!
+ Lucky Hit and Fierce Attack pet move errors have been fixed.
+ Refresh block/warning popup implemented on purchase confirmation page for Diamond Dust shop to prevent multiple buys of the same item.
+ Gallery stock and storefront page-turn issue fixed.
+ Random loggout issue is still being looked at!
+ Club Donation system polished up.
+ Admin rank in Clubs can no longer be created or deleted.
+ If you previously deleted your Admin rank please let me know via Goatmail and we will restore your rank! Even if you already told me, please remind me so I can make sure your on the list!
+ Limited Edition item in the Diamond Dust shop will retire today so grab one while you can!
+ Spring Bunny, Heatwave, Queen Snake, Cold Frisson, and Surprise Box, Battle Center baddys are leaving today as well so make sure to get one more fight in while you can!


Welcome to the new Phantom Forest! The maps have been revamped, old baddys/Goatlings have returned, and new baddys/Goatlings have been spoted!
Phantom Forest Goatlings include: Day Phantom, Kappaling, Slimeling, Vampling, Wispling, and Night Phantom. Many of these are member created designs! @sourgoat designed Day Phantom, Night Phantom, and Slimeling. @bees designed Wispling, and @goatprince designed Kappaling! Make sure to give them LOTS and LOTS of love for helping us discover such amazing new Goatlings!

Don't forget about the fresh new battlers to try out! And oodles of sparkly loot and stamps to collect!

Couple of recent fixes:
+ Club View Rank error fixed @Safu
+ Goat Princess quests fixed (no more error and she will only take ONE item instead of all of them)
+ Trading errors/glitches should be fixed now. Please let me know if there are still any weird probs!
EDIT: Buying Diamond Dust error FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We still have a couple to get to thank you for being patient!

+ Club View Rank error fixed @Safu
+ Goat Princess quests fixed (no more error and she will only take ONE item instead of all of them)
+ Trading errors/glitches should be fixed now. Please let me know if there are still any weird probs!
EDIT: Buying Diamond Dust error FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We still have a couple to get to thank you for being patient!


As many of you know, once you make a HA Buddy you cannot delete it. However, if you are feeling like you really want to hide it there is now an item that will let you do that in the HA Buddy Boutique! It's called the Blank HA Buddy Shield. If you equip it on your HA Buddy it will make it invisible. :) (It will be under the skin category.) Might be fun to try it in different layer combinations too! ;)