News, Announcements, & Dev Log

The Goatlings Storenvy Gift Shop has been updated with it's first item! Limited edition Goat Princess "Sparkle Everyday" prints! These are printed on textured paper that has flower petals imbedded in it. Even has a nice, light rose scent. Only about 60 prints available!
Click here to view!


Greetings friends! The wishes of the following members have been granted!
WISH: Cactus Item! ♥
By user: @Aubreebree
WISH: house plants with cutesie pots please ouo
By user: @pinksparklyfroggies
Flower Cactus, Clover Basket, Curl Tree, Fan Leaf Plant, Lush Flowers, Heart Cactus, Puff Tree, and Empty Flower Pot can be found at the Gift Shop in the Shopping District.
Congratulations for having your wishes come true!


Head over to the Arcade to try out our latest game; Higher or Lower!
A numbered card will appear, and you can submit a guess whether or not the next card will be higher or lower. The first correct guess is worth 50 Sugar Stars and each correct guess from then on will double your pot up to 10,000 Sugar Stars per game. You can choose to collect your pot at the end of each play or play again to double the pot!

+ Total forum topic number is now accurate. (Before, it would list the total amount of topics even if some were deleted)
+ Bad word filter now affects Profiles, Pet Profiles, Shops and Galleries
+ Trivia Game is now case insensitive
+ Can now remove HA buddy hair items from closet properly

+ Bad word filter now affects Profiles, Pet Profiles, Shops and Galleries
+ Trivia Game is now case insensitive
+ Can now remove HA buddy hair items from closet properly


Goatling submissions for the Gemini Zodiac Event are now open! Entries will be accepted until May 23.
CLICK HERE to get the Goatling template!
CLICK HERE to enter your design!
- about 3 weeks for designing/submitting, 1 Day for judging, 1 week for voting
- Okay to submit multiple designs
- 9 designs per month will be chosen to vote for
- Vote for up to 3 entries per month
- 3 winners per month
+ First Place - AD of their design, 1,000,000 Sugar Stars, and 800 Diamond Dust
All First Place designs will be released to the AD Shop
+ Runner Up - 500,000 Sugar Stars and 400 Diamond Dust
+ Honorable Mention - 300,000 Sugar Stars and 200 Diamond Dust
+ All participants will receive a special gift inspired by the winning entry.
CLICK HERE for main event page with details and schedule!
Note: Please stick to the Gemini theme. Designs that are off topic will be disqualified.


The votes are in for the Taurus Zodiac entries! Thank you all for submitting so many amazing designs! Now, ONTO THE WINNERS!
457 @Vanilly
441 @dad
421 @Bitley
179 @Wolfy
170 @Cervine
137 @Stormy
117 @rchanscandy
110 @Rainywren
46 @hikashuma

Congratulations everyone! Vanilly's Taurus design is now permanently available in the Appearance Doll Shop located in the Shopping District!

All design participants will receive Taurus Horns and a Taurus Scarf for their HA buddy! These items are also now stocked in the HA Buddy Boutique!
Prizes have been distributed to rchanscandy, Wolfy, Hiroto, Bitley, engineface, Vanilly, inchworm, Nanibou, meadowpossum, gavinscreaming, Patch, mistytail, Skyformes, Sirell, Stormy, IastDinosaurs, madlin, Vyragosa, MissionFailure, konekochan, magikait, SaintJudith, aurelia, Cervine, Rainywren, grimAuxiliatrix, starspeck, JayPrawn, kyla22, baal, Elf, StalkehKitteh, edelweiss, AnimeliniA, DragonLord, Leanimals, jacksrabbit, Cal, hikashuma, gogoat, goatincake, Steinbit, Juholly, PrincessTroublegum, milkov, dad, Vamby2375, and Vanellope.
Thank you all for participating!


Greetings friends! We are holding a special fundraising event for a Goatlings friend who always helps others and now is the one who needs a little help.
Corbin is a kind and generous person who is having a hard time pursuing his education. Due to circumstances beyond his control, Corbin lost the opportunity to receive student loans for his first year of college. His dad is now holding a fundraiser on to help things along.
CLICK HERE to read Corbin's full story and review the efforts of the main fundraiser. is donating a portion of cash shop sales to this fundraiser! Specifically, $1 will be donated for every item sold in the Limited Edition section of the cash shop. Every little bit helps, and it will add up fast! For every 100 items sold, we will donate $100 to the fundraiser.
We will also be keeping track of progress and donations on this event topic page so you guys can follow along!
Thank you everyone!


The top 9 designs that represent Taurus the best, and will work best as official Goatlings, will be voted on. This makes voting more organized and easier to deal with. Please don't take it personalty if your design wasn't chosen to be voted on! They are all amazing, and everyone who submitted a design will get a free Taurus related present for their HA Buddy! Designs that didn't win this month can be reworked and resubmitted as future contest entries or regular Creative Park submissions.
Vote by clicking the 'like' button next to your favorite Taurus Goatling! Choose wisely because you can't take back your vote. Please only vote 1-3 times. (Top choice, or top three choices) Voting will be open until May 5th.
CLICK HERE to vote for Taurus!
+ First Place - AD of their design, 1,000,000 Sugar Stars, and 800 Diamond Dust
+ All First Place designs will be permanently added to the AD Shop and the designers name will be added to the items description.
+ Runner Up - 500,000 Sugar Stars and 400 Diamond Dust
+ Honorable Mention - 300,000 Sugar Stars and 200 Diamond Dust
+ Taurus related HA Buddy present for everyone who submitted a design
CLICK HERE for main event page with details and schedule!


Oh hey! Did you see that new item being stocked in the shops? I want 20! I just love collecting rare and exclusive items for my treasure. I keep an inventory of my collection in this book so I can make sure I don't miss one. Although, I spilled my drink on this page and now the image is smudged. Of course I can still tell what it is, can you?
Play Treasure Trivia now!
Treasure Trivia prizes are limited edition and will retire when a new game is started! For now, a new game is set to start each month. Have fun!