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What's my name again?
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-31 07:31:04

Ready for a new username? Go ahead and update it with the new Name Tag! Available in the Cash Shop under the Upgrade Items tab.

Note: Now that the Name Tag has been added, GoatlingStaff will no longer be doing username update freebies. The only exception is usernames from before the revamp that just need to be capitalized. (In that case, just send in a Support Ticket!)

Thank you!

Is it hot in here or is it just me?
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-31 06:13:21

Things are heating up! Heatwave is back at the Battle Center and along side him are a pack of fierce new minions!

Train your Goatling, collect the loot, and discover a new Appearance Doll; Summerling! Craft a Summerling AD by turning in a Summer Tube, Summer Ball, and Snorkel at the crafting shop. Crafting is located in the Members Alley section of the Shopping District.

Summerling is a member created design by @Jello ! Make sure to give them a little extra love today!

Heatwave and minions will be sticking around until about July 31st. (That's a little longer than usual) After that, the loot will retire excluding the stamps witch will be available in summer next year.

Wishing Well Wishes Granted! Pizza!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-30 03:14:06

Oh! Hello there! Anyone hungry? The General Foods Store is now stocking an interesting selection of pizza slices. There is a little something for everyone. Grass Pizza is now available in the General Foods store too. (It has been removed from the Explore Areas.) Congratulations for having your wishes come true!

WISH: pizza
By user: @NOIZ

WISH: Pizza
By user: @Lieicent

WISH: i wish 4 sum pizza
By user: @Soraiya

Programing Update
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-28 02:29:00
+ Club admins can now remove members from their club on the Level and Ranks page.
+ A confirmation warning will pop up when members are surrendering a pet to help prevent any accidental surrenders.
+ The Goat Princess will now automatically post the monthly Referral contest winners in the News.
+ Added 'Go Back To Subforum' link to bottom of forum topics.
+ Members can now cancel a auction if it has no bids on the My Auctions page.
+ Auction bid history now shows bids from the item in question only.

May Referral Contest Winners!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2014-05-27 12:25:46
Below are the top referrers for this month and the number of referrals they accumulated! Thank you everyone, and welcome to the new members!

princeowl- 203
inoffensive- 124
acrobatic_goat- 98

May Zodiac Goatlings Event - VOTE for Gemini!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-26 08:38:34

The top 9 designs that represent Gemini the best, and will work best as official Goatlings, will be voted on. This makes voting more organized and easier to deal with. Please don't take it personalty if your design wasn't chosen to be voted on! They are all amazing, and everyone who submitted a legitimate design will get a free Gemini related present for their HA Buddy! Designs that didn't win this month can be reworked and resubmitted as future contest entries or as regular Creative Park submissions too.

Vote by clicking the 'like' button next to your favorite Gemini Goatling! Choose wisely because you can't take back your vote. Please only vote 1-3 times. (Top choice, or top three choices) Voting will be open until May 31st.

CLICK HERE to vote for Gemini!

+ First Place - AD of their design, 1,000,000 Sugar Stars, and 800 Diamond Dust. All First Place designs will be permanently added to the AD Shop and the designers name will be added to the items description.
+ Runner Up - 500,000 Sugar Stars and 400 Diamond Dust.
+ Honorable Mention - 300,000 Sugar Stars and 200 Diamond Dust.
+ Gemini related HA Buddy present for everyone who submitted a legitimate design.

CLICK HERE for main event page with details and schedule!

More Mermaid items!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-24 04:25:59

A new swimming accessory is now available in the HA buddy Boutique for all you merpeople out there!

And a special scaly skin has also been added! The scales will accent any color of skin worn below them. This item is a granted wishing well wish made by @Flannelpower too!

Wishing Well Wishes Granted! Wavy and brown HA buddy hair!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-24 11:57:56

Oh! Hello there! The wishes of the following members have been granted! Mermaid Hair 1 to 11 can be found in the HA buddy Boutique! The original design for the Mermaid Hair was created by member @Cometkins! More hair designs coming soon!

WISH: wavy hair
By user: @Vamby2375

WISH: Wavy HA Buddy Hair
By user: @bbun

WISH: wavy ha buddy hair
By user: @Jallon

WISH: A new brown ha buddy hair
By user: @absterx

WISH: Dark brown hair
By user: @IchigoUsagi

WISH: ombre hair
By user: @trance

Congratulations for having your wishes come true!

Programing Updates!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-22 11:10:00
+ Fixed Higher Or Lower bug which would take a members Sugar Stars even if they didn't have enough to play.

+ Fixed inaccurate Higher Or Lower information (play 10 times an hour, 500 Sugar Stars to play)

+ Added Online Status option to profiles (tells if the member is online, offline, or when they were last online.) Option to hide online status can be found in MySettings. When a member sets their online status to hidden, their username will not be displayed on the "Who is online?" list.

+ Added timers to to Arcade Games; Catch A Falling Star, Higher Or Lower And Gone Fishin

+ Added Goatlings date of birth to pet profiles

+ Pet's whose creation date was 0, have been updated to today's date. (These goats were created before the revamp so their original DOB could not be determined.)

+ Members can now add a custom Love message via the My Settings page. Whenever another member gives love, they will see the custom Love message.

+ Auctions are now ordered by ending soonest

Wishing Well Wish Granted! Flower Crown!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2014-05-21 08:05:19

Oh! Hello there! Something tells me that there is a high demand for a little item called Flower Crown! The wishes of the following members have been granted! Flower Crown can also now be found in the VIP shop! The original design for the Flower Crown was created by member @Cometkins!

WISH: Flower crown HA item
By user: @Mantaray

WISH: I wish for a flower crown for HA buddies!
By user: @kelsey

WISH: HA buddy flower crown
By user: @Adorabubble

WISH: Flower crowns for HA buddies would be nice!!
By user: @Bitley

WISH: flower crown ha buddy item
By user: @seren

WISH: Flower Crown HA Buddy Item
By user: @suzykabloozy

WISH: Flower crown HA buddy items?
By user: @pikapal

WISH: I wish for another flower crown.
By user: @Kallisto

WISH: flower crown HA items
By user: @Headless

WISH: wearable flower crowns
By user: @DawnStrider

WISH: Flower crown
By user: @SpookGoat

WISH: flower crown ha buddy item
By user: @foxmulder

WISH: a flower crown for HA
By user: @defectivegirl

WISH: HA buddy flower crown
By user: @harrystyles

Congratulations for having your wishes come true!

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