News, Announcements, & Dev Log
Just cast this little spell, and surely you will see.
That you'll always do well, with the power of three.
A mysterious new shop has set up in the Members Alley Shopping District! Why not go see what service they provide?
The Clubhouses have been renovated!
List of Features
Select your Club icon based on any item.
Choose to have a Private or Public Club (public = anyone can join, private = invite only).
Welcome Page for public viewing. Basic html aloud.
Members Page displayed to members only. Basic html aloud.
Customizable Member Ranks.
Member powers include Admins, Moderators, and Normal.
All Clubs listed by level.
Donate Sugar Stars to upgrade your Clubs level.
Only the creator of the club can delete it.
Club Forums act just like regular forums.
Pickup some new Goatling themed avatars and mini banners at the Creative park! Contribute your own avatar and banner designs in the Creative Park Forums.
The updated Stats page can be found at the bottom of each page.
Featured stats are;
Total members
total Crown Accounts
newest member
who's online
total items
total member shops
total member galleries
total adopted Goatlings
and total Appearance Dolls
You can also find the top 10 Goatlings in the following catagorys;
and Speed
New loot has replaced the old Random Event items. However a couple of favorites, like the Midnight Moon AD, have not been removed. Along with finding loot you may come across Sugar Stars, get your fortune read, or even encounter something truly random!
There is now a special album for collections on profiles. For now, this is the perfect place to keep your Baddy Stamps and Badges!
To get you started, members who were present during our first year have been given a Year 1 Badge. Now that we are in the second year, the Year 2 Badge can be found at the Gift Shop until the end of 2014.
More collections will be added overtime like Goatling Coins, trading cards, and stickers! What else do you like to collect?
Greetings friends. I thank you all for taking care of the Goatlings. They are stronger and happier with you by their side.
If you wouldn't mind, Id like to ask for your assistance with some item research. A lot of new objects are being discovered almost daily and I'd like to have a closer look at them.
Would you mind finding a specific item for me from my list? I will, of course, reward you for the trouble.
Visit the Goat Princess by going to the Town Map, then to the Palace.
Your Goatlings can now have their own collections! Is your Goatling a food lover, toy collector, battle champion, or randoms hoarder?
To add an item to your pet's treasure collection, click an item from your inventory, choose Add To Pet's Treasure, then choose the Goatling the item goes to. Each Goatling can hold up to 20 items. The items can be removed by the Goatlings owner at anytime.
Have fun discovering your pets favorite items!
If you find yourself wishing for a new item to add to your collection, a new color for an existing item, new Display Name Icon, or a new Ha Buddy item, you may want to pay a visit to the guardian fairy by the Wishing Well. Legend has it that if you provide a few Sugar Stars he may just grant your every wish!
You can access the Wishing Well through the Arcade.