News, Announcements, & Dev Log
During this time of year members really like dressing up their avatars so we are bringing you another large HA Buddy item update!

The HA buddy Boutique now has: Bat Ears (by @swan), Starry Night BG, Wolf Hair 1-4 (by @Kayla), Brown Goat Ears, Wolf Shirt 1-2, Fox Tail, Wolf Tail 1-3, Fox Ears (by @Frudies), Wolf Ears 1-2 (by Frudies), Wolf Face 1-2 (by @Cal), and Bat Face (by swan).

The Base Place now has: Brown Fur and Gray Base.

The Face Space now has: Bat Nose (by swan).

And the Diamond Dust shop now has: Spoopy Night BG.


The HA buddy Boutique now has: Bat Ears (by @swan), Starry Night BG, Wolf Hair 1-4 (by @Kayla), Brown Goat Ears, Wolf Shirt 1-2, Fox Tail, Wolf Tail 1-3, Fox Ears (by @Frudies), Wolf Ears 1-2 (by Frudies), Wolf Face 1-2 (by @Cal), and Bat Face (by swan).

The Base Place now has: Brown Fur and Gray Base.

The Face Space now has: Bat Nose (by swan).

And the Diamond Dust shop now has: Spoopy Night BG.


Oh! Hello there! Lots of wishes are being granted lately! Congratulations for having your wishes come true! Your wishes will soon appear in your inventory!
WISH: Homestuck items?
By user: @Mikicharr
WISH: homestuck
By user: @princeofdoki
WISH: More shirts for HA
By user: @Mint
WISH: i wish for a shirt
By user: @Lupa1234
WISH: a cute nose for Ha Buddy face
By user: @daisygirl488
WISH: a new ha buddy face
By user: @paleblackeye
WISH: More faces for HA buddy
By user: @nauticalgoats
WISH: Brown coloured eyes?
By user: @Mantaray
WISH: brown eyes
By user: @Moon
WISH: Brown eyes!!! :D
By user: @sstwins
WISH: heterochromia eyes for ha
By user: @diprosopus
WISH: two toned eyes
By user: @oxo
WISH: cute new HA buddy eyes, please
By user: @yiffy
WISH: Ha Buddy item
By user: @Pyridi
WISH: noses
By user: @Pikagalli
WISH: a nose
By user: @Song
WISH: Ha buddy face
By user: @Macateroni
WISH: Ha Buddy item
By user: @roboaaron
WISH: new ha buddy clothing
By user: @nocnitsa
WISH: ha buddy items
By user: @PrinceGoatWolf
WISH: HA Buddy Item~
By user: @ghirga
WISH: new Ha Buddy item
By user: @kittygirl
WISH: a new ha buddy item
By user: @ectobiolobutt
WISH: ha buddy item
By user: @roxine
WISH: I just wish to smile...
By user: @Kid
Special request from members, visit Kid's profile and give them some love!

The HA Buddy update continues with new Boutique and Face Space items!

A very special Zodiac Tshirt set has been released in the HA Buddy Boutique! These were inspired by the popular web comic Homestuck! received special permission to create these!

Also stocking at the Boutique are these member designed faces by @Cometkins

The Face Space got a large set of Cute Eyes and a couple new face items to go with them.

More HA buddy updates coming soon!


A very special Zodiac Tshirt set has been released in the HA Buddy Boutique! These were inspired by the popular web comic Homestuck! received special permission to create these!

Also stocking at the Boutique are these member designed faces by @Cometkins

The Face Space got a large set of Cute Eyes and a couple new face items to go with them.

More HA buddy updates coming soon!


Oh! Hello there! A couple of wishes were granted with the last update! Congratulations for having your wishes come true! Your wishes will soon appear in your inventory!
WISH: pale skin
By user: @ThePandaHero
WISH: Red fox skin for the HA buddy?
By user: @KellyAttacks
WISH: Darker skin option!
By user: @nauticalgoats
WISH: I wish for more animal-themed HA Buddy Skins.
By user: @sheridan
WISH: fur skin wearable
By user: @Song
WISH: darker brown skin
By user: @bubblegum
WISH: darker brown HA buddy skin, please
By user: @perdant
WISH: A wider variety of deafult skin tones!
By user: @Chevrine
WISH: HA Buddy Items based on or inspired by Goatlings and baddies
By user: @Sugardrop
WISH: HA buddy faces with just the eyes, to make it easier for layering without problems with nose and mouths.
By user: @Jazz
WISH: cute eyebrows~!
By user: @plantrecords
WISH: More green eyes
By user: @kyla22
WISH: beauty mark
By user: @gardener
WISH: Mole/Beauty Mark
By user: @Princelet


Two new shops have opened in the Shopping District! Visit Sugar and Spice at HA Buddy Face Space and HA Buddy Base Place.
The Face Space is designed for members who want a more in depth customization options for their HA Buddys. This shop stocks individual eyes, noses, and mouths to mix and match. Other face items like freckles, facial hair, and scars will be added over time. The current facial hair that is stocked at the HA buddy Boutique will soon be moving to the Face Space. Full face sets will stay in the HA Buddy Boutique.
The Base Place is for the base layer (skin/fur) of your HA Bud. Any bases that were stocking at the HA Buddy Boutique have already been moved to the Base Place.
All these shops have been stocked with new items!

Special thanks to @batbot who made a handy color chart of natural skin tones for the Au Naturel bases!


Cold Frisson is back at the Battle Center and along side him are a pack of fierce new minions! Train your Goatling, collect the loot, and discover a new Appearance Doll; Pumpkin Spice!
Pumpkin Spice is a member created design by @Wires and @Nogalina so make sure to give them a little extra love today! Cold Frisson and minions will be sticking around until about November 29th. After that, the loot will retire. Excluding the stamps witch will be available again next year.


The votes are in for the Libra Zodiac entries! Thank you all for submitting so many amazing designs and voting for your favorites! The top votes go to:
549 @Valkymie = First Place
483 @foxglovetea = Runner Up
329 @Boricha = Honorable Mention
218 @zorretta
161 @milktooth
129 @Nogalina
83 @Rhamnus
99 @KawaiiNeko5
77 @madlin

Congratulations everyone! Valkymie's Libra design is now permanently available in the Appearance Doll Shop located in the Shopping District!

All design participants will receive a Libra Scarf for their HA buddy! This item is also now stocked in the HA Buddy Boutique!
Prizes have been distributed! Thank you all for participating!


Goatling design submissions for the Scorpio Zodiac Event are now open! Entries will be accepted until Oct 23rd.
CLICK HERE to get the Goatling template!
CLICK HERE to enter your design!
- about 3 weeks for designing/submitting, 1 Day for judging, 1 week for voting
- Okay to submit multiple designs
- 9 designs per month will be chosen to vote for
- Vote for up to 3 entries per month
- 3 winners per month
+ First Place - AD of their design, 1,000,000 Sugar Stars, and 800 Diamond Dust
All First Place designs will be released to the AD Shop
+ Runner Up - 500,000 Sugar Stars and 400 Diamond Dust
+ Honorable Mention - 300,000 Sugar Stars and 200 Diamond Dust
+ All participants will receive a special gift inspired by the winning entry.
Note: Please stick to the Zodiac Scorpio theme. Designs that are off topic will be disqualified.


Click here to play Treasure Trivia now!
Treasure Trivia prizes are limited edition and will retire when a new game is started! New games start within the first week of each month. Have fun!


The Summer issue of the Goatlings Gazette is now available with three cover variants!

Click Here to get yours!
Each book is about 4x5 inches, has 25 pages, and comes with an exclusive Orchid Mantis/Summerling trading card. Hand made by Krisgoat and features content created by members. Members who contribute to the book receive limited edition Display Name Icons!

This issue features artwork by:
@markeduardo, @ixyra, @karcathy, @elf, @kibby, @misterkoala, @bearsister, @john, krisgoat, and @cougar.

And writing from:
karcathy, misterkoala, @Chiilli, @Rhuenkun, @Lieicent, and @fae.
Click Here to contribute to the 2014 Fall issue.
Click Here to contribute to the 2014 Winter issue.

Thank you!