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Just a little light reading…
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-25 11:39:01

Please welcome Lyra, our newest shopkeeper. Her favorite thing in the world is reading so she is in charge of our brand new library. You can visit her at the shopping district. Your Goatlings are sure to feel smarter after reading a few good books. Just make sure to read quietly or Lyra will “shhh" you!

Into the forest…
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-25 11:36:16

A new area is open for exploration. The Phantom Forest is marked as a orange zone area witch means the baddys found there are tougher than pink zone maps so tread with care! A new Goatling has also been spotted in the new area. Do you have enough courage to capture this frightful ghoul? The Phantom Forest still holds many secrets and is bound to revile more places to explore over time.

Something wicked this way comes
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-25 11:33:38

The Heatwave has subsided and flown off to warmer climates. As the air becomes crisp the wind brings in a chilling visitor. Cold Frisson has arrived and wants to see how well the Goatlings can defend themselves. How about we show him? Meet him head on at the Battle Center!

Return Of The Princess
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-25 11:31:31

Greetings my dear Goatlings and friends. I apologize for my absence, I have been fighting in a fierce war far from here for the sake of peace. The floating island that the Goatlings live on can become vulnerable from time to time and that is why I am here to help protect it.

With most of my power drained from the war, I have reverted back to my younger Goatling forum. This should not be a problem because we are protected with a concealing shield of enchanted clouds that only small, signal invaders can get through. Those would be the typical battle center challengers and mischievous creatures around the island. They can be dealt with easily by the resident Goatlings.

I thank you all for taking care of the Goatlings in my absence and I ask that you continue to do so. They are stronger and happier with you by their side and we never know when another threat will fall upon our peaceful island.

After taking care of a little official busyness, I may need your assistance with some item research. Please stop by the palace later on to see me again.

Explore Time!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-25 11:29:04

The explore area is expanding! Misty Meadows is now 3 maps wide and more terrain is expected to be unveiled soon. Two new wild Goatlings have appeared in the new areas! Flanling has been spotted in Misty Meadows map 2 and Sprinkling in map 3.

Wild Goatlings are now exclusive to these maps and will not be available in the Appearance Doll shop. Wild Goatlings can be tamed and their AD’s are dropped by the baddys in the same area.

Social Event - goal reached!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-24 11:30:06

Congratulations everyone! We’ve reached our goal of 100 Tumblr followers and 100 Facebook Likes! Wow! Thank you for the support! Everyone who is currently a Goatlings member will receive a free Socialling AD! For those who missed the event, Socialling is also available in the Appearance Dolls shop!

Click Here for the Goatlings Facebook Page
Click Here for the Goatligns Tumblr

Lets trade!!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-24 11:27:14

The new trading area can be accessed through the Shopping district. Check your friends trades by visiting their profile. A quick link to your own trades can be found on your profile or on the MyStuff page.

We are having a special giveaway of a never before seen item! This is a precious Gemdrop and will grant your Goatling one level! Krisgoat will be giving away 50 of these Gemdrops through trade within the next few days - while supplies last. Any offer will be accepted. If you missed out on one of the Gemdrop trades just make an offer on a new one. (One per account please, and as a reminder multiple accounts are against our Terms.) Happy trading!

Summer greetings!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-24 11:24:43

The birds are chirping and the bees are buzzing. In fact, more is buzzing than usual at the Battle Center. A dreadful Heatwave has descended upon the Goatlings Kingdom but you can help! Show this buzzz-kill how to have some real fun in the sun - Goatlings style!

Feed Me!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-24 11:23:02

I hear a tummy rumbling. Head over to the General Foods store to pick up these new mouth watering additions. We have fresh Orange Juice, Potato Snacks, Banana Parfait, and Cup O Cocoa. As well as four new Jam flavors; Blueberry, Cherry, Grape, and Green Apple.

Creative Park Update
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2013-08-24 11:21:27

Have an eye for design? Try your hand at creating a Flair Banner! Flair banners are used on many areas around the site such as profiles, shops, galleries, and clubs. Banners can be area specific or a general welcome banner. If your design is accepted it will become a official Flair Banner that members can use to express their personality. Also, the creator will receive 5,000 Sugar stars! Sweet!

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