News, Announcements, & Dev Log

Posted by

on 2015-02-01 09:24:58

Goatling design submissions for the RPG Classics Necromancer and Birthday Amethyst/Iris Double Event are now open! Entries will be accepted until Feb 20th.
CLICK HERE to enter your RPG Classics design!
CLICK HERE to enter your Birthday Flowers & Gems design!
- New double event will start each month for the whole year of 2015
- About 3 weeks for designing/entering, 1 Day for judging, 1 week for member voting
- Okay to submit multiple designs (add them to the same reply)
- Okay to submit designs in both contests at once
- 9 designs per month (per theme) will be chosen for a member vote
- The most popular design will be made into an official Goatling
- Vote for up to 3 designs per month per theme
- Members are not allowed to enter either contest if they won during the previous month
- Please do not drastically alter the template.
- Click Here to get Goatling templates and guidelines.
- Click Here for Event Details and Schedule.

+ First Place - Free AD of their design - 20 Goat Tokens
All First Place designs will be permanently added to the AD Shop.
+ Runner Up - 10 Goat Tokens
+ Honorable Mention - 5 Goat Tokens
+ All participants will receive a special gift inspired by the winning entry.
Last months winnings were @sloth and @foxglovetea and their Goatling designs will be available within the next few days!

Below are the top referrers for this month and the number of referrals they accumulated!
Thank you everyone, and welcome to the new members!
Miss_Skellington- 71Cara- 36Hark- 28

Thank you everyone, and welcome to the new members!
Miss_Skellington- 71Cara- 36Hark- 28


Posted by

on 2015-01-24 11:06:41

It's time to vote for your favorite member created Goatling design!
CLICK HERE to vote for RPG Classics, Healer!
CLICK HERE to vote for Bday flowers/gems, Garnet/Carnation!
Vote by clicking the 'like' button next to your favorite Goatling design! Choose wisely because you can't take back your vote. Please only vote 1-3 times. (Top choice, top two choices, or top three choices) Voting will be open until Jan 31st.
+ First Place - Free AD of their design - 20 Goat Tokens
All First Place designs will be permanently added to the AD Shop and the designers name will be added to the items description.
+ Runner Up - 10 Goat Tokens
+ Honorable Mention - 5 Goat Tokens
+ All participants will receive a special gift inspired by the winning entry.
CLICK HERE for main event page with details and schedule!

+ Shop restocks have returned to 10 minutes instead of 30
+ Food items will be adjusted soon to give more hunger points
+ Members can no longer ping the same person multiple times within one post. (On forums and clubs)
+ Blocked word filter applied to pet names and usernames.
+ Text areas on the Edit Shop/Gallery pages have been increased.
+ Top member shop page has been expanded to show ALL member shops listed by size
+ Members who are 13 and younger were accidentally blocked from registering recently. This block has been removed! If members are 13 or under they can now register, however they will not be able to use Clubs, Forums, or Goatmail until they are 14.
+ More info about trades:
Trades that are over a week old will be marked with an inactive note to let the owner know it is inactive. Inactive trades will not show up on the main Trades page and cannot be searched.
More updates coming soon!

+ Food items will be adjusted soon to give more hunger points
+ Members can no longer ping the same person multiple times within one post. (On forums and clubs)
+ Blocked word filter applied to pet names and usernames.
+ Text areas on the Edit Shop/Gallery pages have been increased.
+ Top member shop page has been expanded to show ALL member shops listed by size
+ Members who are 13 and younger were accidentally blocked from registering recently. This block has been removed! If members are 13 or under they can now register, however they will not be able to use Clubs, Forums, or Goatmail until they are 14.
+ More info about trades:
Trades that are over a week old will be marked with an inactive note to let the owner know it is inactive. Inactive trades will not show up on the main Trades page and cannot be searched.
More updates coming soon!

Greetings Fanlings!
We just had a large programing update to implement some member requested updates and general improvements.
Battle Updates
+ Battling will now lower your Goatling's Hunger and Mood by one point each. To raise your Goatlings hunger feed them any food item. To raise their mood give them toys to play with. The food item and toy item will disappear after use.
Food items raise your Goatling's hunger by one point. Toys raise your Goatling's mood by various points. You can preview how many points a toy will give your Goatling by clicking on it from your inventory. Or by hovering your mouse over an item in the Toy Shop. Maximum hunger and mood is 100. Members can view their current hunger and mood levels by going to My Stuff then to My Goatlings.
+ Hitpoint bar has been added to battles. This will help members keep better track of their Goatling's (and baddy) hitpoints.
Stats Page Updates
+ New member stat categories include: Most Love Received, Most Adoption Tickets Used, Top Forum Posters, and Most Sugar Stars (on hand).
+ New Goatling stat categories include: Most Battle Wins and Most Battle Losses.
+ Max Goatling level has been reenforced to 100. (Level Gemdrops will no longer be able to get your Goatling past 100)
+ The amount of members and Goatlings featured on each stat page has been raised from 10 to 100.
Misc Updates
+ Goatmail now has a counter so members can easily see how much mail they have out of 200 (raised from 50). If any members are still having problems receiving new mails because their inbox is falsely full please send in a Support Ticket.
+ Trades now automatically expire after one week.
More updates coming soon!

We just had a large programing update to implement some member requested updates and general improvements.
Battle Updates
+ Battling will now lower your Goatling's Hunger and Mood by one point each. To raise your Goatlings hunger feed them any food item. To raise their mood give them toys to play with. The food item and toy item will disappear after use.
Food items raise your Goatling's hunger by one point. Toys raise your Goatling's mood by various points. You can preview how many points a toy will give your Goatling by clicking on it from your inventory. Or by hovering your mouse over an item in the Toy Shop. Maximum hunger and mood is 100. Members can view their current hunger and mood levels by going to My Stuff then to My Goatlings.
+ Hitpoint bar has been added to battles. This will help members keep better track of their Goatling's (and baddy) hitpoints.
Stats Page Updates
+ New member stat categories include: Most Love Received, Most Adoption Tickets Used, Top Forum Posters, and Most Sugar Stars (on hand).
+ New Goatling stat categories include: Most Battle Wins and Most Battle Losses.
+ Max Goatling level has been reenforced to 100. (Level Gemdrops will no longer be able to get your Goatling past 100)
+ The amount of members and Goatlings featured on each stat page has been raised from 10 to 100.
Misc Updates
+ Goatmail now has a counter so members can easily see how much mail they have out of 200 (raised from 50). If any members are still having problems receiving new mails because their inbox is falsely full please send in a Support Ticket.
+ Trades now automatically expire after one week.
More updates coming soon!


A very special set of items will be coming soon to! This New Bee set will be free for new members so they will have something to get them started. This set will be added to the inventory of new members automatically when they register.

All current members will get this set for free soon since they didn't get it when they registered. The items will be available in the Shopping District as well. They cannot be bought or sold for a lot so they can't be used to generate Sugar Stars. (Creating multiple accounts to get more of these items for free is a banable offense.) The weapon and health potion are very week as they are only meant for very new members.
The New Bee set should be available by next week. The Quick Start Guide will be thoroughly updated then as well using these items as examples so members will understand the site a lot better when they are new.
Many members have helped contribute to this set so we would like to thank them now!
The full HA Buddy outfit was designed by @swan excluding Bee Friends which were designed by @kibby
New Bee Goating was designed by @Arishark and @Nogalina
Bumble Blade and Vitamin Bee was designed by @Cervine
And the Bee Icon was designed by @bearsister
Thank you all for helping our new members feel welcome!

44 Comments is now three years old! Things sure have blossomed since this time last year! We had just reopened after a full site programing revamp. We went from 3,000 members to over 20,000 members! From 43 Goatlings to 95 Goatlings!!! And added more items and features to count without some seriously boring math.

Get ready to party with all new party loot!

Partyling Goatling by @john found in the Appearance Dolls shop

Birthday Cake by @IchigoUsagi found at Party Supplies

Cake Icon, Party Popper Icon, and Piece of Cake Icon by @bearsister found at Display Name Icons

Party Banner, Party Bow, Party Hat, and Pink Balloon by @kibby found at HA Buddy Boutique

Confetti Veil and Gift Box BG also found at HA Buddy Boutique

And Balloon BG is found in the VIP Shop


Click here to play Treasure Trivia now!
New Treasure Trivia games start within the first week of each month. You may need to refresh the page (or press Ctrl+F5) to see the new Treasure Trivia items!
Important Notice: There has been a slight change in how the prize for Treasure Trivia works. From now on, the Treasure Trivia prize will NOT retire. The prize will be a brand new Shopping District item. The item will be marked as a rare item instead of a typical common item. This will make getting certain elusive new items easier to collect, and also eliminate some of the anguish created by long retired items.


Posted by

on 2015-01-03 05:55:22

Goatling design submissions for the RPG Classics Healer and Birthday Garnet/Carnation Double Event are now open! Entries will be accepted until Jan 23rd.
CLICK HERE to enter your RPG Classics design!
CLICK HERE to enter your Birthday Flowers & Gems design!
- New double event will start each month for the whole year of 2015
- About 3 weeks for designing/entering, 1 Day for judging, 1 week for member voting
- Okay to submit multiple designs (add them to the same reply)
- Okay to submit designs in both contests at once
- 9 designs per month (per theme) will be chosen for a member vote
- The most popular design will be made into an official Goatling
- Vote for up to 3 designs per month per theme
- Members are not allowed to enter either contest if they won during the previous month
- Please do not drastically alter the template.
- Click Here to get Goatling templates and guidelines.
- Click Here for Event Details and Schedule.

+ First Place - Free AD of their design - 20 Goat Tokens
All First Place designs will be permanently added to the AD Shop.
+ Runner Up - 10 Goat Tokens
+ Honorable Mention - 5 Goat Tokens
+ All participants will receive a special gift inspired by the winning entry.


We wanted to say

Aquarius by @rubs
Pisces by @myouna
Aries by myouna
Taurus by @Vanilly
Gemini by @Wolfy
Cancer by @ixyra
Leo by @foxglovetea
Virgo by @Schinwaldo
Libra by @Valkymie
Scorpio by @Boricha
Sagittarius by foxglovetea
Capricorn by @IWasBored
They have made a very impressive and gorgeous set! Why don't you give a shout out to the artist who created your favorite one?
We hope you will all have a lot of fun participating in this years Design A Goatling event witch will be starting up soon!