News, Announcements, & Dev Log

Click Here to play!
Everyone has been given 5 Goat Tokens to get you started!
Find more Goat Tokens in the Diamond Dust shop, from Battle Center Baddys, Random Events,
Daily Gachapon (Arcade game), and Gone Fishin (Arcade game).


Posted by

on 2015-03-13 07:22:26

Here I go...
1... 2... 3... and...
Did it work?

YES! It worked! These two dolls will appear in your inventory! I hope you enjoy these!
I think I can now go and help my brother grant wishes at the Wishing Well! I'll be leaving soon to join him.
Bye bye and thank you again!
(These AD's are now stocked in the Diamond Dust shop too.)


Flower Pressing, Plant Pet, and Animal Mallows by @misterkoala

Spring Wand by @Headless

Lavender Soap and Lily Vase by @Cervine

Other items included are: Hug N Kiss Book, Felt Roses, Sugar Star Jar, Heart Staff, Heart Sword, Heartshaped Sandwich, and Spring Badge!


Honey Hairstyles by @Quartzgoatling

Lovebug set and Love Crowns by @RiverRacer

Heartbreak Jackets by @patch

Floating Hearts, Heart Bubble, and Heart Veil are by @Green_Maiden

Strawberry Overalls are by @Kibby , Jellybean Veil by @ondore , and Heart glasses are by @Boyfriend Silly Face is not a member created design but we will add it here anyway for the sneak peek!


Undercuts by @Sloth

Heart Hair by @Boyfriend

Frill Dresses are by @Vanilly

Huff and Puff hair by @Cometkins


Patches is now stocking some new must have basics for your HA Buddy at HA Buddy Boutique!

Greetings fanlings!
A new Arcade game is being constructed that will give out butterflies for your profile collection. We wanted to know what your favorite butterflies are, real or imagined, and got a HUGE response! Thank you so much!
Since we now have more than enouph butterflies for the game (well over 80!) we are closing the butterfly entry page. (We are very sorry, but moths won't be included.)
The butterfly game will come out after the Spring Token game.

A new Arcade game is being constructed that will give out butterflies for your profile collection. We wanted to know what your favorite butterflies are, real or imagined, and got a HUGE response! Thank you so much!
Since we now have more than enouph butterflies for the game (well over 80!) we are closing the butterfly entry page. (We are very sorry, but moths won't be included.)
The butterfly game will come out after the Spring Token game.

Greetings fanlings!
A new Arcade game is being constructed and we want your help! The game will give out butterflies for your profile collection. We want to know what your favorite butterflies are. Real or imagined!
We will be choosing quite a few - around 60!
Please CLICK HERE to go to the butterfly entry thread!

A new Arcade game is being constructed and we want your help! The game will give out butterflies for your profile collection. We want to know what your favorite butterflies are. Real or imagined!
We will be choosing quite a few - around 60!
Please CLICK HERE to go to the butterfly entry thread!


Click here to play Treasure Trivia now!
Win a Chick Hat! This item also has a rare chance to be stocked at the HA Buddy Boutique.
Chick Hat is a member created design by @ondore !

New Treasure Trivia games start within the first week of each month. You may need to refresh the page (or press Ctrl+F5) to see the new Treasure Trivia items!
Note: Treasure Trivia prizes do NOT retire. The prize is a brand new Shopping District item that will have a rare chance of stocking.

The Spring Token Game is not open yet, however items are beginning to be added in preparation! Below are some cuddly Bunny pajamas (by @misterkoala ) that will be available soon!