News, Announcements, & Dev Log

We have prepared a mini update to celebrate the Solar Eclipse!
Solar Eclipse Glasses are located at HA Buddy Accessories and Solar Eclipse BG can be found at HA Buddy Backgrounds. (Both will not retire.)
If you are lucky enough to view the eclipse in person today, please make sure to use proper eye protection and enjoy this magical event!

The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.



Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about PoIaroid!
![]() | Name: PoIaroid Appearance Doll: Indiegoatling AD Guardian: @transgender Give Love! Bio: Polaroid is very shy, well organized, and smart. Polaroid Likes building cameras, taking pictures, drawing, painting, just anything to occupy his time. |
Favorite Treasure
Cheese Slice

Art by @Pit
CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!


Saturday Night Bidding Wars has begun! These Auctions will be held a once a week and feature exclusive items that are only available on auction night! The auctions start on Saturday and go on for 24 hours.
Items that will be Auctioned each week:

+ 2 exclusive Appearance Dolls (Rockabilly and Velvet Rose)
+ Exclusive Gavel Display Name Icon
+ Exclusive Auction Badge
+ One rare baddy stamp. Stamps in rotation are;
Thoth Stamp, Masked Rival Stamp, Ethos Stamp, Luck Dragon Stamp, Queen Snake Stamp, and Apostrophe Stamp.

Saturday Night Bidding War Guidelines
- Members can bid on multiple items and as many times as they like.
- Members can win multiple times in a row.
- Members can do whatever they want with the items after they have won them like sell, give away, hoard, pawn.
- Auctioned items will not retire.
- We understand that this auction may become intense but please do not beg, complain, bicker, argue, be discouraged, or harass anyone who places bids. This IS a friendly war so stay tough, calm, and have fun!
Thank you!


The votes are in for the most popular Tarot Card Goatling! Thank you all for submitting so many amazing designs and voting for your favorites!
The top votes go to:
471 @maqaroni - First Place
300 @IWasBored - Runner Up
199 @Snow - Honorable Mention
121 @MightBeMagic
86 @_Asher_
61 @Keluturtle
54 @bzolinka
44 @Free_Willy
42 @Bumblebunnii

Congratulations everyone! maqaroni's The Hanging Man design is now permanently available in the Appearance Doll Shop!

All design participants will receive a "The Hanging Man Veil" for their HA Buddy!! This item is now permanently stocked at HA Buddy Accessories!

Bonus items!
The Hanging Man Wings, The Hanging Man Freckles, The Hanging Man Face, The Hanging Man Blue Hair, and The Hanging Man Blond Hair. (Click the names to shop!)
Prizes have been distributed! Thank you all for participating!

Greetings Writers!
I'd like to introduce Goatling Stories! So far we just have one short and sweet sample story: CLICK HERE TO READ. (Please ignore the bad grammar and coding issues! It's a work in progress)
Goat Princess will have a Goatling Stories section in her Palace a little later on. It will be for cute feel good stories like the sample above, and for official Goatlings lore and info! We can also have a section for "choose your own adventure' stories! So the possibilities are really fun! Submissions are now open for member written stories!
CLICK HERE for more info and to submit your Goatling Stories!

For submissions that are chosen to be made into official Goatling Stories - I was thinking we can award the writer/s with an exclusive Display Name Icon and Goat Tokens! Thank you for your interest everyone! I'm looking forward to reading more Goatling stories!

I'd like to introduce Goatling Stories! So far we just have one short and sweet sample story: CLICK HERE TO READ. (Please ignore the bad grammar and coding issues! It's a work in progress)
Goat Princess will have a Goatling Stories section in her Palace a little later on. It will be for cute feel good stories like the sample above, and for official Goatlings lore and info! We can also have a section for "choose your own adventure' stories! So the possibilities are really fun! Submissions are now open for member written stories!

For submissions that are chosen to be made into official Goatling Stories - I was thinking we can award the writer/s with an exclusive Display Name Icon and Goat Tokens! Thank you for your interest everyone! I'm looking forward to reading more Goatling stories!

The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.
rainbowfish won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 1, 7 and 7! They won 79950 SS!
CottonFur won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 1, 7 and 7! They won 79950 SS!

rainbowfish won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 1, 7 and 7! They won 79950 SS!
CottonFur won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 1, 7 and 7! They won 79950 SS!


Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about Sequoyah!
![]() | Name: Sequoyah Appearance Doll: Butterling AD Guardian: @BoxPikachu Give Love! Bio: Sequoyah was born a forest spirit. In being so, they are always covered in butterflies. They lived deep in the enchanted forest, when Fennec found them! They followed him back and wandered right to me! They always pester poor Fennec and ask him to make him honey. Fennec always says no though, and Sequoyah seems really disappointed when he says no. |
Favorite Treasure
Bubble Flower | Lovely Flower | Plush Deer

Short Story
"Oh please, please can I have just a little honey?" Sequoyah begged Fennec. "No!" The beeling huffed, rolling his eyes. "MOOOM!" Sequoyah yelled at BoxPikachu, who was typing something on her glowing rectangle. The girl looked up, smirking. "Really, Sequoyah. Stop BUGGING Fennec." The Butterling groaned and zipped off, butterflies following him. BoxPikachu and Fennec hoof-bumped and snickered to themselves.

Art by @sour_rat
CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!