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Summer Token Game - NEW ITEMS Credits and thank yous!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-06-17 08:07:00

The Summer Token game is now open! Let's give a quick shout out and thank you to the talented members who submitted their designs this season! What new items do you like the most?

Flamingoat by @Miku

Scarab Socialite by @Fugo

Fashionling by @hoopla

Homestead by @herd

Giraffe Pool Float and Flamingo Pool Float by @rosetea02 | Dolphin Squirt Toy by @objection | Blue Beach Umbrella and Pink Beach Umbrella by @Pit

Khepri Wings, Anubis Ears, Sobek Mask, Eye Of Horus, and Bastet Ears, by Fugo

Scarab Jar by Fugo | Sunset Drink and Ocean Drink by @Lycrosia | Flamingo Plush and Orca Plush by @Joshy

Bun Smore, Watermelon BP, and Watermelon Scarf by @lostysaur | Melon Crown by @kato | Teacup Succulent by Herd

Fashion Face, Fashion Top, Fashion Hair, Fashion Earrings, by hoopla

Royal Frog Icon by @hibiscus | Root Beer Float by @r00p | Crabby BP by @digitalsnail | Sea Glass by Goatlings Staff

Thank you so much again everyone!

Summer Token Game NOW OPEN!!!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-06-17 06:28:25


The 5 Enter To Win Raffle winners for 50 Goat Tokens each are:


Congratulations! Find more Goat Tokens in the Diamond Dust shop, from Battle Center Baddys, Random Events, Daily Gachapon (Arcade game), and Gone Fishin (Arcade game).

Summer Goat Token Game Coming Soon - and Token Raffle!!!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-06-17 01:44:05
Greetings Fanlings!

The highly anticipated Summer Goat Token game is scheduled to open a little later today! While things are getting set up, we will be hosting a Goat Token Raffle!

Enter for a chance to win 50 Goat Tokens! The fee is 1,000 Sugar Stars, and everyone who enters will receive one Goat Token instantly! We will randomly select 5 lucky members to win 50 Goat Tokens! (Click the box above to enter!)

The raffle will close right before the Summer Goat Token Game opens, follow along with our schedule below!

+ Token Raffle Starts --- DONE!
+ Preparing items --- DONE!
+ Uploading items --- DONE!
+ Updating game --- DONE!
+ Summer Goat Token Game OPENS and Token Raffle winners announced! --- DONE!
+ Overview, credits, and thank yous in the News --- DONE!
+ Seasonal Antique Shop Updated to Summer --- DONE!
+ Summer Goat Token Game Item Archive Updated --- DONE!

June Lucky Number Contest Winners!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2019-06-16 12:00:29
The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.


zeppeli won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 2, 1 and 8! They won 47150 SS!
Cherrybay won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 2, 1 and 8! They won 47150 SS!

Goatling Spotlight! StateFair!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-06-15 08:41:32

Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about StateFair!

Name: StateFair
Appearance Doll: Pink Lemonade AD
Guardian: @PrettySkitty Give Love!
Bio: StateFair loves any and all fairs! Her favorite drink is fresh lemonade and her favorite food is anything deep-fried or on a stick!

Favorite Treasure
Jar Of Lemonade | Strawberry Frozen Yogurt | Blueberry Frozen Yogurt | Sunscreen | Picnic Lemonade

Art by @Kato

CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!

Saturday Night Bidding Wars!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-06-15 08:33:49

Saturday Night Bidding Wars has begun! These Auctions will be held a once a week and feature exclusive items that are only available on auction night! The auctions start on Saturday and go on for 24 hours.

Items that will be Auctioned each week:

+ 2 exclusive Appearance Dolls (Rockabilly and Velvet Rose)
+ Exclusive Gavel Display Name Icon
+ Exclusive Auction Badge
+ One rare baddy stamp. Stamps in rotation are;
Tiangou Stamp, Fire Rooster Stamp, Thoth Stamp, Masked Rival Stamp, Ethos Stamp, Luck Dragon Stamp, Queen Snake Stamp, and Apostrophe Stamp.




Rules and Guidelines
- Members may bid on multiple items and as many times as they like.
- Members may win multiple times in a row.
- Members may also snipe bids (bid as the auction is about to end).
- Members may do whatever they want with the items after they have won them. Such as sell, give away, hoard, or even pawn.
- Auctioned items will not retire.
- We understand that auctions may become intense, but please do not be frustrated or discouraged. There's always next week!
- Members who pester or disrespect others who have placed bids and/or won an auction will be permanently silenced.
This IS a friendly bidding war so stay tough, calm, and have fun!

Thank you!

July Battle Center Submissions are OPEN
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-06-13 05:29:57

Greetings Battlings!

Members can now enter their July/Summer/Squid Kid & Minions themed designs (and/or nominate other Member Designs) for next months limited edition Battle Center Loot!

CLICK HERE to enter and vote for your favs!

1 Goatling design and 2-3 items will be chosen to add to next months Baddy Loot. Like typical Battle Center loot, these will only be available for one month, then retire forever!

Thank you everyone and happy battling!

June Raffle Winner!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2019-06-12 12:00:26
The Raffle has been drawn. Congratulations to Micah who has won 555500 Sugar Stars!!!

June Lucky Number Contest Winners!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2019-06-09 12:00:27
The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.


Goatling Spotlight! Jemesibel!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-06-08 08:27:53

Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about Jemesibel!

Name: Jemesibel
Appearance Doll: Sea Punk AD
Guardian: @IzzyJoFo Give Love!
Bio: Jemesibel is from the Kingdom of Stars, far away from palace town. The Kingdom of Stars is an ocean kingdom where it always seems to be lighter than other kingdoms. The reason it is called the Kingdom of Stars is because even when it is dark outside, the stars are so bright that they seem to fall into their home and shine as a nightlight.

Favorite Treasure
Float my Goat Card | Purple Moss | Small Gems | White Pearl | Shooting Starfish Stamp

Short Story
You from the sky
And I from the sea
Our love is strong
But we could never be
The ocean, the air
Are two different things
But perhaps we could live
In the world that is between
Love, meet me on land
Before you close your eyes
And we will run away
From the sea and the skies

Art by @IzzyJoFo

CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!

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