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October Lucky Number Contest Winners!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2019-10-27 12:00:01
The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.


Goatling Spotlight! Schorl!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-10-26 11:27:49

Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about Schorl!

Name: Schorl
Appearance Doll: Necromancer AD
Guardian: @Rire Give Love!
Bio: Schorl is nicer than he looks, but he doesn't want anyone to know that.
He tries to keep a rep of a ruthless necromancer, but that's just not what he is.
He would never hurt anyone on purpose.

He has tea parties with Eilir, but he keeps it a secret. She's his confidant and best friend.

He contemplates if he should really keep doing what he's doing a lot; keeping his true nature under covers is very stressful, but what's stopping him in his thoughts is:
at this point, how would he begin it all from zero?

Favorite Treasure
Animal Mallows | Death Potion | Macarons | Phantom Tea

Art by @Rire

CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!

Saturday Night Bidding Wars! (Plus Monster Masquerade Goodies!)
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-10-26 11:19:16

Saturday Night Bidding Wars has begun! These Auctions will be held a once a week and feature exclusive items that are only available on auction night! The auctions start on Saturday and go on for 24 hours.

Items that will be Auctioned each week:

+ 2 exclusive Appearance Dolls (Rockabilly and Velvet Rose)
+ Exclusive Gavel Display Name Icon
+ Exclusive Auction Badge
+ One rare baddy stamp. Stamps in rotation are;
Tiangou Stamp, Fire Rooster Stamp, Thoth Stamp, Masked Rival Stamp, Ethos Stamp, Luck Dragon Stamp, Queen Snake Stamp, and Apostrophe Stamp.




Rules and Guidelines
- Members may bid on multiple items and as many times as they like.
- Members may win multiple times in a row.
- Members may also snipe bids (bid as the auction is about to end).
- Members may do whatever they want with the items after they have won them. Such as sell, give away, hoard, or even pawn.
- Auctioned items will not retire.
- We understand that auctions may become intense, but please do not be frustrated or discouraged. There's always next week!
- Members who pester or disrespect others who have placed bids and/or won an auction will be permanently silenced.
This IS a friendly bidding war so stay tough, calm, and have fun!

Thank you!

Monster Masquerade - Main Events ending soon!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-10-26 07:38:58

Greetings Masqueraders!

We hope you're currently enjoying this years Monster Masquerade!

This announcement is to remind all Monster Masquerade Team members that the 7 main events will be closing on the 28th at 11:59 PM Goat Time. Entries submitted after that time will be disqualified. CLICK HERE to view a live clock.

List of Main Events (For Team Members!) Open from Oct 1st-28th
Haunted House
Ghoulish Graphics
Haunting Artworks
Pumpkin Patch Prose
Autumn Photography
Nightmare Squad
Giving Treats Wars

Three 2019 Monster Boxes will be rewarded to Team members who have participate in all 7 main events! CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your box!

Bonus events will remain open until Oct 31st with the exception of Give Love to Mascots which will close on the 28th.

List of Bonus Events (Fun for all!) Open from Oct 1st-31st
Mascots Giving Tree
Monster Box Raffle
Give Love to Mascots (closes on the 28th)
Treat Collecting
Battle Crafts
Special Event Explore Area

Good luck everyone for the remainder of the event!

[CLICK HERE to go back to the main Monster Masquerade event page.]

Monster Box Raffle Winners (3 of 5)!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-10-25 09:14:07

50 Monster Boxes will be raffled off every week of October.

Additional Monster Boxes are available in the Diamond Dust shop during Oct and Nov, as well as in SNBW during Oct, and a chance to nab some from the Giving Tree during Oct.

The third batch of Monster Boxes were won by:

01 @napak
02 @Snurple
03 @boomeranging
04 @34eyes
05 @Jaehylda
06 @Ode
07 @CasAndHisBees
08 @wolfman
09 @Sorax
10 @Jessco1
11 @Miiko
12 @Lichtenshy
13 @CynicalGhostie
14 @Raindrops
15 @Sebeon
16 @bookshelf
17 @therachelofaspens
18 @rocket
19 @Diavolo
20 @ashesofstars
21 @Sunny_Side_Up
22 @alexa
23 @WhiteRabbit
24 @Centralia
25 @spinach
26 @lazyanon
27 @haeslings
28 @mailmen
29 @JollyOllie
30 @OodTau
31 @talosthefakegod
32 @PsychedelicGator
33 @Ubiquitous
34 @Junipurr
35 @thepuppeteer
36 @Animaya
37 @Bexasaurus
38 @sstwins
39 @Rattata
40 @starryoaks
41 @Care
42 @Sugarina
43 @LPS_Monsterpawz
44 @CLC
45 @Aubreebree
46 @Strobotic
47 @wishwishwashy
49 @bunnyphase
50 @Fredbear

Congrats everyone! The boxes have been distributed!


The Monster Box is filled with spooky monster themed Appearance Dolls! Also, ANYONE can enter the raffles, they are not just for Monster Masqueraders! If you have not entered yet, you can still do so by clicking the link below!


October Raffle Winner!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2019-10-23 12:00:02
The Raffle has been drawn. Congratulations to Circusofvalues who has won 638000 Sugar Stars!!!

October Lucky Number Contest Winners!
Posted by Goat Princess
on 2019-10-20 12:00:02
The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.


Kyne won the Lucky Numbers game (3) with numbers 1, 8 and 4! They won 301400 SS!

Goatling Spotlight! Duplicitous!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-10-19 09:57:01

Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about Duplicitous!

Name: Duplicitous
Appearance Doll: Changeling AD
Guardian: @Dolorosa Give Love!
Bio: Dupliciotus is deadpan and vicious, recklessly bold, and uninhibited. She is dedicated to her passions and at times obsessive. She does not always find it easy to get what she wants, but that never stops her. She has a lot of unpopular opinons, but is easygoing when others have their own thoughts.

Favorite Treasure
Romance Novel | Scary Novel

Short Story
“Slightlee, about your last letter.
I don't care if it is 'unreasonable', life isn't about reason, okay? Life's about following your heart even though your heart wants unrealistic things-- I would even say life is about following your heart because it's unrealistic and naive! Your heart doesn't know what people in society have been taught or, maybe brainwashed into thinking, it doesn't care like your brain. It doesn't care about external opinions, it just knows what it likes, you know? Nothing can ever stop your heart from wanting. And what's wanting but hope? It's the hope that things will be better in time, or that you'll be happy once you've accomplished something, or that the good stuff is still to come.
A friend of mine said desire is the root of all suffering. Maybe that's the truth, and I'm just not ready to hear it. I know I've been through enough tough times to say for sure that desire has a way of fooling us. But I don't think it's the desire that causes the suffering, I think it's when we lose hope that we suffer. I think desire is what keeps us going forward; it's the carrot and stick that gets us through daily life. Why would I even get up if I didn't want anything? Why bother if everything's already in place? Nah, when I get mine, I'm just going to chill. Let the world do what it likes in the meantime.
Anyway. I think I got sidetracked—what was I saying? Oh yeah, they should absolutely stock the Halloween monster cereals in store all year. It's annoying that I can't buy them in February.
Creep it real,

Art by @WarriorSpoofs

Art by @shizuchan

CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!

Saturday Night Bidding Wars! (Plus Monster Masquerade Goodies!)
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-10-19 09:43:35

Saturday Night Bidding Wars has begun! These Auctions will be held a once a week and feature exclusive items that are only available on auction night! The auctions start on Saturday and go on for 24 hours.

Items that will be Auctioned each week:

+ 2 exclusive Appearance Dolls (Rockabilly and Velvet Rose)
+ Exclusive Gavel Display Name Icon
+ Exclusive Auction Badge
+ One rare baddy stamp. Stamps in rotation are;
Tiangou Stamp, Fire Rooster Stamp, Thoth Stamp, Masked Rival Stamp, Ethos Stamp, Luck Dragon Stamp, Queen Snake Stamp, and Apostrophe Stamp.




Rules and Guidelines
- Members may bid on multiple items and as many times as they like.
- Members may win multiple times in a row.
- Members may also snipe bids (bid as the auction is about to end).
- Members may do whatever they want with the items after they have won them. Such as sell, give away, hoard, or even pawn.
- Auctioned items will not retire.
- We understand that auctions may become intense, but please do not be frustrated or discouraged. There's always next week!
- Members who pester or disrespect others who have placed bids and/or won an auction will be permanently silenced.
This IS a friendly bidding war so stay tough, calm, and have fun!

Thank you!

Monster Masquerade - Mid Point check in!
Posted by Krisgoat mod
on 2019-10-19 05:20:28

Greetings Masqueraders!

We hope you're currently enjoying this years Monster Masquerade! All main and bonus events are running in full force! Have you visited them all?

+ Main Event List (For Team Members!) Open from Oct 1st-28th
Haunted House
Ghoulish Graphics
Haunting Artworks
Pumpkin Patch Prose
Autumn Photography
Nightmare Squad
Giving Treats Wars

+ Bonus Events (Fun for all!) Open from Oct 1st-31st
Mascots Giving Tree
Monster Box Raffle
Give Love to Mascots
Treat Collecting
Battle Crafts
Special Event Explore Area

The current Team point totals are:
Team Evil Scientist
Haunted House - 2,450
Ghoulish Graphics - 2,900
Haunting Artworks - 2,600
Pumpkin Patch Prose - 3,080
Autumn Photography - 3,500
Nightmare Squad - 4,820
Giving Treats Wars - 12,900
Give Love to Mascots - 50
Total = 32,300

Team Weird Witch
Haunted House - 2,340
Ghoulish Graphics - 2,740‬
Haunting Artworks - 2,340
Pumpkin Patch Prose - 3,180‬
Autumn Photography - 3,140
Nightmare Squad - 4,520
Giving Treats Wars - 11,650
Give Love to Mascots - 0
Total = 29,910

There is still plenty of time to get event entries in and raise your Teams score!

Three 2019 Monster Boxes will be rewarded to Team members who have participate in all 7 main events! CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your box!

Good luck everyone for the remainder of the event!

[CLICK HERE to go back to the main Monster Masquerade event page.]

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