News, Announcements, & Dev Log

Saturday Night Bidding Wars has begun! These Auctions will be held a once a week and feature exclusive items that are only available on auction night! The auctions start on Saturday and go on for 24 hours.
Items that will be Auctioned each week:

+ 2 exclusive Appearance Dolls (Rockabilly and Velvet Rose)
+ Exclusive Gavel Display Name Icon
+ Exclusive Auction Badge
+ One rare baddy stamp. Stamps in rotation are;
Tiangou Stamp, Fire Rooster Stamp, Thoth Stamp, Masked Rival Stamp, Ethos Stamp, Luck Dragon Stamp, Queen Snake Stamp, and Apostrophe Stamp.

Rules and Guidelines
- Members may bid on multiple items and as many times as they like.
- Members may win multiple times in a row.
- Members may also snipe bids (bid as the auction is about to end).
- Members may do whatever they want with the items after they have won them. Such as sell, give away, hoard, or even pawn.
- Auctioned items will not retire.
- We understand that auctions may become intense, but please do not be frustrated or discouraged. There's always next week!
- Members who pester or disrespect others who have placed bids and/or won an auction will be permanently silenced.
This IS a friendly bidding war so stay tough, calm, and have fun!
Thank you!

Greetings Fanlings!
Final Monster Masquerade prizes will be available until the end of November 10th - (about 24 hours left) so make sure to claim them before it's to late! After the 10th, Team Tags will be cleared as well.
+ For Evil Scientist Team members:
CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your Weird Science AD now!
+ For Evil Scientist AND Weird Witch Team members:
3 2019 Monster Boxes will be rewarded to ALL Team members who have participate in all 7 main events!
CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your box now!
+ For everyone on the site:
CLICK HERE to visit the Princess, and enter the code: HAPPYMONSTERMASQUERADE to receve a limited edition Weird Science Fire Patch.

Final Monster Masquerade prizes will be available until the end of November 10th - (about 24 hours left) so make sure to claim them before it's to late! After the 10th, Team Tags will be cleared as well.
+ For Evil Scientist Team members:
CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your Weird Science AD now!
+ For Evil Scientist AND Weird Witch Team members:
3 2019 Monster Boxes will be rewarded to ALL Team members who have participate in all 7 main events!
CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your box now!
+ For everyone on the site:
CLICK HERE to visit the Princess, and enter the code: HAPPYMONSTERMASQUERADE to receve a limited edition Weird Science Fire Patch.

Greetings Fanlings!
The current list of completed programming updates are:

+ HA Buddy Outfit Saves!
A big update and a big member request has arrived! Members can now store up to 10 outfits in their HA Buddy Closets! Click Archive Outfit to save an outfit and click a saved Outfit to quickly change your HA Buddy's look! Reorder the position of your Archived Outfit to your liking as well. Outfit Archive may be expanded in the future.
Misc Completed Updates:
+ HA Buddy Layers have increased from 20 to 30
+ On Goatling profiles, default Gray Goatlings are now listed as "Basic Gray AD" instead of "Beach Ball".
+ Under My Settings, members can now update their emails
Updates in the works:
+ Goatling Trade Center
+ Resolve Lag Issue
All of the recent programming updates have been possible due to the generous support form our last Programming Fundraiser! We we still have a bit of funding available, and would like to ask YOU what you would like for the next programming update!
CLICK HERE to let us know what you would like to see next!
Thank you everyone!

The current list of completed programming updates are:

+ HA Buddy Outfit Saves!
A big update and a big member request has arrived! Members can now store up to 10 outfits in their HA Buddy Closets! Click Archive Outfit to save an outfit and click a saved Outfit to quickly change your HA Buddy's look! Reorder the position of your Archived Outfit to your liking as well. Outfit Archive may be expanded in the future.
Misc Completed Updates:
+ HA Buddy Layers have increased from 20 to 30
+ On Goatling profiles, default Gray Goatlings are now listed as "Basic Gray AD" instead of "Beach Ball".
+ Under My Settings, members can now update their emails
Updates in the works:
+ Goatling Trade Center
+ Resolve Lag Issue
All of the recent programming updates have been possible due to the generous support form our last Programming Fundraiser! We we still have a bit of funding available, and would like to ask YOU what you would like for the next programming update!
CLICK HERE to let us know what you would like to see next!
Thank you everyone!

Greetings Fanlings!
The current list of completed programming updates are:
+ Larger description area on Goatling profiles
+ Appearance Doll listed on Goatling profiles
(Default Gray Goatlings are currently listed as "Beach Ball" instead of "Basic Gray AD". This will be updated soon.)
+ Loot and Sugar Star drop rates have been increased for Explore Area and Battle Center
+ Auctions updated to prevent members from bidding at the exact same time
+ Forum pings updated to resolve issues with missed pings
Misc Little Fixes:
+ Popup confirmation on registration forum to remind new members to double check that their info is correct
+ Fixed page numbers at the bottom of News page
+ Added Display Name colors and icons to Newest Forum Posts page
+ Crafting items are now sorted alphabetically
+ Storage items are now sorted alphabetically
+ Added commas to Lucky Numbers jackpots
Updates in the works:
+ Save HA Bud Outfits
+ Increase HA Buddy Layers
+ Goatling Trade Center
+ Option to update email under settings
+ Lag Issue

The current list of completed programming updates are:
+ Larger description area on Goatling profiles
+ Appearance Doll listed on Goatling profiles
(Default Gray Goatlings are currently listed as "Beach Ball" instead of "Basic Gray AD". This will be updated soon.)
+ Loot and Sugar Star drop rates have been increased for Explore Area and Battle Center
+ Auctions updated to prevent members from bidding at the exact same time
+ Forum pings updated to resolve issues with missed pings
Misc Little Fixes:
+ Popup confirmation on registration forum to remind new members to double check that their info is correct
+ Fixed page numbers at the bottom of News page
+ Added Display Name colors and icons to Newest Forum Posts page
+ Crafting items are now sorted alphabetically
+ Storage items are now sorted alphabetically
+ Added commas to Lucky Numbers jackpots
Updates in the works:
+ Save HA Bud Outfits
+ Increase HA Buddy Layers
+ Goatling Trade Center
+ Option to update email under settings
+ Lag Issue


Frost Guardian and Minions have come to the Battle Center and are ready to challenge your Goatlings to a friendly battle. Train your Goatlings and collect limited edition loot!

Don't forget to save a couple stamps for your collection! If you're really lucky you may win a few Goat Tokens to use on the seasonal Token Game!
Frost Guardian and Minions will stick around until about November 30th. After that they will leave us until next year and their limited edition loot will retire. (Excluding stamps and Goat Tokens.)

Greetings Fanlings!
Most Monster Masquerade bonus events are now closed. Battle Crafts will remain open until the Battle Center is updated for November in about a day or two.
Final prizes will be available until November 10th so make sure to claim them before it's to late!
+ For Evil Scientist Team members:
CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your Weird Science AD now!
+ For Evil Scientist AND Weird Witch Team members:
3 2019 Monster Boxes will be rewarded to ALL Team members who have participate in all 7 main events! CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your box now!
+ For everyone on the site:
CLICK HERE to visit the Princess, and enter the code: HAPPYMONSTERMASQUERADE to receve a limited edition Weird Science Fire Patch.

Most Monster Masquerade bonus events are now closed. Battle Crafts will remain open until the Battle Center is updated for November in about a day or two.
Final prizes will be available until November 10th so make sure to claim them before it's to late!
+ For Evil Scientist Team members:
CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your Weird Science AD now!
+ For Evil Scientist AND Weird Witch Team members:
3 2019 Monster Boxes will be rewarded to ALL Team members who have participate in all 7 main events! CLICK HERE for more info and to claim your box now!
+ For everyone on the site:
CLICK HERE to visit the Princess, and enter the code: HAPPYMONSTERMASQUERADE to receve a limited edition Weird Science Fire Patch.


The final batch of Monster Boxes have been won by:
01 @Faygo
02 @MilkCloudy
03 @berrygumdrop
04 @chocoferret
05 @Xystus
06 @ouma
07 @troika
08 @Rin__
09 @BattyBane
10 @SpaceKitten
11 @Jorja
12 @lmissmuffet
13 @chattycate
14 @Skyaia
15 @gravywitch
16 @JadedNovice
17 @RebellingRaven
18 @Trance
19 @BrightFeather
20 @Mummy99
21 @ditto
22 @FaeElixir
23 @cucumbers
24 @vampyre
25 @kuneho
26 @Sugarina
27 @OwONotEvenMyFinalForm
28 @swiffer
29 @dusken
30 @Cuchufli
31 @bubblebear
32 @taqus
33 @CaffeineCassette
34 @FuzzyOwl
35 @nissabug
36 @sukka
37 @CommonAesthetic
38 @Cheribee
39 @Pyromancy
40 @Maiden
41 @nbspaceprince
42 @Quagsire
43 @Ruin
44 @cosmonautilus
45 @PrincessTroublegum
46 @Traveler
47 @Achromatic
48 @Anna18
49 @farm
50 @rox
51 @YellowLlama
52 @sot
53 @ouijaboard
54 @BriarRose
55 @LeaffeatherY
56 @Syomaru
57 @DaBanana
58 @skeletonluver
59 @Anina
60 @Marras
61 @Serin
62 @chiffon
63 @Faygo
64 @Tiffbue
65 @Daemin
66 @krolia
67 @Skyaia
68 @kalput
69 @teeth_soda
70 @Amanda_519
71 @CabbageQueen
72 @NicolasAngel
73 @agent3
74 @skelepaw
75 @NewestBee
76 @attano
77 @CoolDonut101
78 @CapriciousCrab
79 @Reyes
80 @Ladybug
81 @CocoTheLlamacorn
82 @exhales
83 @SparkleDog
84 @SenshiSilence
85 @inception
86 @CobaltBones
87 @digitalsnail
88 @tinyshell
89 @krahesama
90 @sara13874
91 @Gamingcats
92 @Amanda_519
93 @Astrocomet
94 @razzberriezz
95 @frogiie
96 @ramza
97 @corbusier
98 @LunaTuna
99 @TheyOfDarkness
100 @Xiukase
Congrats everyone! All boxes have been distributed!
Additional Monster Boxes are available in the Diamond Dust shop during Nov.

The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.



Welcome to Goatling Spotlight! A mini event where we get to show off your favorite Goatlings! Each week a new Goatling will be featured in the News and the owner will receive a shiny Spotlight Trophy to display on their pets page or in their collection. This week is all about Bebe_Pipin!
![]() | Name: Bebe_Pipin Appearance Doll: Stripes Painted AD Guardian: @TheyOfDarkness Give Love! Bio: Just a smol lad... He's a beautiful blind lad.. (Working to get him a Sunflower Gent AD to replace his Stripes Painted AD) |
Favorite Treasure
Snuggly Silkie BP | Alpaca Plush

Short Story
From a small city comes an even smaller lad, Bebe_Pipin! Due to being blind, he is currently being watched over by Shinoka, a powerful necromancer. He doesn't let his sight disability get in his way when it comes to playing, his trusty Snuggly Silkie (which he's called Birb) and Alpaca plush (named Arkell) always by his side!

Art by @TheyOfDarkness
CLICK HERE for more details, past spotlights, and to enter your Goatlings!