News, Announcements, & Dev Log
The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.



Welcome to the annual Sweetheart's Celebration - a celebration of sweet hearts! This is a month-long festival for creativity, kindness, love, and friendship! Main events are based on the forums due to member interaction. However additional events are open for all!
Enter the raffle to win event items! Members only need to enter once for a chance to win multiple prizes during the event, with a small chance the same member winning more than one prize in one raffle. Just for entering, members will automatically receive their very own Sweetheart plush!

Raffle 03 winners are:
Lovely Letter
01 _Ashen_
02 elegance
03 summerscouts
04 kaileythegoat
05 PrettySkitty
06 illuvitas
07 Blaze
08 cantcount29
09 zhongli
10 LemonDropZero4
11 Hoovie
12 angelofthestage010
13 apollinaris
14 Bliss
15 Anabiel
16 foxiana123
17 zebracorn97
18 affogato
19 lilisk
20 Kirkland
21 Stacia
22 Numisma
23 S0undH0und
24 PanyaCat
25 Static
26 Wemiel
27 Snow
28 sleepyyjax
29 SolarSystemCatz
30 Kazuha
31 aldrifor
32 Nienna_weeper
33 KT_
34 canines
35 SoapSike
36 Galaxy_cat
37 NormAllen
38 Vesme
39 Moonrose252
40 CocoTheLlamacorn
41 marmi
42 Urban_Mask
43 SilverVampire
44 Kitty
45 Fuzzball
46 cireincroin
47 Millipedish
48 Jaehylda
49 Galaxy_cat
50 BlueWonderland
Lovely Muse Plush
01 GenericGadget
02 Angie
03 Lunaco
04 glue
05 scaryfriend
06 Chow
07 cardfoxgoat
08 ginnie
09 bubblegumjello
10 Jaehylda
11 Cal
12 Vennick
13 Baggy
14 honey
15 heidi_avril
16 Daveyadoo
17 Lil_Bleat
18 zpca
19 picnic97
20 DVD
21 pinkspaghetti
22 goldhalo
23 Abandon3dRain
24 speaknow
25 bnuy
26 shoegays
27 Rosalo
28 Astoria
29 SunflowerPrincess
30 miss_beans
31 Forest_fawn
32 Nebula
33 Badame
34 Khamerta
35 Kneph
36 Kirikat
37 BloodOrange
38 lawyermiku
40 JelloStar
41 snailbox
42 Breezys
43 Unibunny
44 WowWhatIsThis
45 SaintHearted
46 Memory
47 bimbaboomba
48 vampyre
49 MacaroniHound
50 Sif
Lovely Muse Bottle
01 Ravewolfie
02 ouijaboard
03 circusbear
04 pandavantas
05 kimdracula
06 Crystalline
07 sellyoubeans
08 Daveyadoo
09 TinMilk
10 almondmilksoda
11 bebidocrime
12 BBNoctowl
13 revvington
15 Viivie
16 squichaii
17 Skywlar_
18 StarryGoatEyes
19 banana12
20 FogBox
21 Kayen
22 aldrifor
23 higgzberry
24 MudBoy
25 Berzie
26 Bumblebunny
27 CloudyComets
28 oyamu
29 velvetdoe
30 _CottonCandy_
31 Nahida
32 skeletonluver
33 Metro_Bot
34 amoureux
35 alexkralie
36 Shrine
37 angelabsol
38 IWasBored
39 Whimsy
40 octavia2helary
41 amy7
42 superBERNICE
43 ceruleaaaaan
44 Miruneal
45 skittlekitty
46 axel
47 harvestmoon66
48 poploppege
49 Lokes
50 Thelittlenekogirl
Sweetheart Box
01 ValentineVal
02 escarghost
03 Buzzy_Bee
04 lightsoul
05 Weast
06 AngelicPiggy
07 choox2
08 CobwebAlmondash
09 tyquu
10 Cinnamon_Fern
11 Specs
12 dragonsace
13 octosunshii
14 BreeBee421
15 aloraaki86
16 Grabby_Hands
17 Mintleaf
18 Sundance1228
19 Gyarbear
20 WelcomeMatt
CLICK HERE to visit the main event page!

Greetings Fanling!
The 3rd batch of Sweetheart's Celebration Raffle winners will be drawn soon!
Enter the raffle to win event items! Members only need to enter once for a chance to win multiple prizes during the event. And as the raffles are so large, there's a small chance the same member will win more than one prize in one raffle.
Raffle winners will receive one Notification from the Raffle Prize being sent from @Krisgoat and raffle winners will be announced in the News afterwards.
Just for entering, members will automatically receive their very own Sweetheart plush!
Raffle Prizes
Lovely Letter (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Plush (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Bottle (50 per week)
Sweetheart Box (20 per week)

Good luck!

The 3rd batch of Sweetheart's Celebration Raffle winners will be drawn soon!
Enter the raffle to win event items! Members only need to enter once for a chance to win multiple prizes during the event. And as the raffles are so large, there's a small chance the same member will win more than one prize in one raffle.
Raffle winners will receive one Notification from the Raffle Prize being sent from @Krisgoat and raffle winners will be announced in the News afterwards.
Just for entering, members will automatically receive their very own Sweetheart plush!
Raffle Prizes
Lovely Letter (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Plush (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Bottle (50 per week)
Sweetheart Box (20 per week)

Good luck!

The weekly Sugar Star Raffle has been drawn! Congratulations to behirah who has won 664500 Sugar Stars!


The Lucky Number games have been drawn. You can view the winners (if any) below. If no winners were found for a jackpot, the jackpot will roll over to next week.
Luupiikki won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 7, 8 and 9! Jackpot: 77000 Sugar Stars!

Luupiikki won the Lucky Three Numbers game with numbers 7, 8 and 9! Jackpot: 77000 Sugar Stars!


Greetings Fanlings!
February Support Boxes are now available at the Community Center.
Monthly Support goals are mini fundraisers that help with general behind-the-scenes expenses such as programing updates, taxes, site maintenance, staff payments, site fees, improving current features, and adding additional features. Monthly Support also helps to keep the site ad free.
Two sets of 3 Support Boxes are available each month on rotation.
Set One
Dawn Lucky Box
Twilight Lucky Box
Dusk Lucky Box
Set Two
Eclipse Lucky Box
Rainbow Lucky Box
Solar Lucky Box
Members can receive up to 2 of each Support Box during each month’s support period - regardless of how much is donated.
Support Box Schedule
January - Break for Tip-A-Mod
February - Set Two AND Set One
March - Set One
April - Set Two
May - Set One
June - Break for Justice June
July - Set Two AND Set One
August - Set Two
September - Set One
October - Set Two
November - Set One
December - Set Two
Monthly Support goals will be reset during the first week of each month. Support Boxes will be added to the members account automatically as soon as a donation is made.
Thank you for your support!


Posted by

on 2025-02-15 11:03:50

Saturday Night Bidding Wars has begun! These Auctions will be held a once a week and feature exclusive items that are only available on auction night! The auctions start on Saturday and go on for 24 hours.
Items that will be Auctioned each week:

+ 2 exclusive Appearance Dolls (Rockabilly and Velvet Rose)
+ Exclusive Gavel Display Name Icon
+ Exclusive Auction Badge
+ One rare baddy stamp. Stamps in rotation are;
Bongo The Furmidable Stamp, Tulip Tender Stamp, Moonlit Rogue Stamp, Lucky Stamp, Tiangou Stamp, Fire Rooster Stamp, Thoth Stamp, Masked Rival Stamp, Ethos Stamp, Queen Snake Stamp, and Apostrophe Stamp.

Rules and Guidelines
- Members may bid on multiple items and as many times as they like.
- Members may win multiple times in a row.
- Members may also snipe bids (bid as the auction is about to end).
- Members may do whatever they want with the items after they have won them. Such as sell, give away, hoard, or even pawn.
- Auctioned items will not retire.
- We understand that auctions may become intense, but please do not be frustrated or discouraged. There's always next week!
- Members who pester or disrespect others who have placed bids and/or won an auction will be permanently banned from Goat Mail and Forums.
This IS a friendly bidding war so stay tough, calm, and have fun!
Thank you!


Welcome to the annual Sweetheart's Celebration - a celebration of sweet hearts! This is a month-long festival for creativity, kindness, love, and friendship! Main events are based on the forums due to member interaction. However additional events are open for all!
Enter the raffle to win event items! Members only need to enter once for a chance to win multiple prizes during the event, with a small chance the same member winning more than one prize in one raffle. Just for entering, members will automatically receive their very own Sweetheart plush!

Raffle 02 winners are:
Lovely Letter
01 Lovelock
02 apollinaris
03 lolcat
04 bnuy
05 kikir
06 moomintroll
07 Belsing
08 Shrine
09 WillowMinnow
10 Metroghost
11 Jay_katt14
12 milk
13 RayofSunshine
14 malbear
15 calpico
16 yuewithluv
17 Khamerta
18 macymagica
19 keifujimi
20 Megami
21 Diavolo
22 HankJWimbleton
23 ishnia
24 Vennick
25 breadestbowl
26 Bbun
27 zaffy
28 daninikole13
29 biscuits
30 BlueWonderland
31 Badame
32 Zelle
33 DalsyBelle
34 velvetdoe
35 Mercedes
36 ShinyMarshies
37 cursedtrees
38 BirdBoiKeigo
39 catwantsfishie
40 Lemur
41 Dirgeserval
42 triplegoths
43 octosunshii
44 Cranberry_
45 thepuppeteer
46 Kidding_around
47 ShinyMarshies
48 Silver195
49 Lotus_Hound
50 Akiao
Lovely Muse Plush
01 frognog
02 FlameDramonDaPyro
03 Sibeal
04 Hiimera
05 krolia
06 heidi_avril
07 InspireMari
08 Redamacy
10 evermore
11 Grimmsnarl
12 moloko
13 ladysrose
14 lattekitten
15 akinej
16 sleepypaws
17 charmless
18 Emkat
19 honami
20 beetle_babble
21 toady
22 phantombride
23 CloudyComets
24 urgirl_livi
25 chob1t
26 enivrec
27 scarluth
28 sinna
29 CatLoverLou
30 selph
31 CrystalOfFate
32 Hiitslunar
33 Shmoo
34 Washbins
35 Lolla
36 jelm
37 beiged
38 Bleu
39 Analogs
40 Cryptid_Royalty
41 Spaceyderg
42 Embox
43 KaylieeJay
44 ABoredAuDHDGuy
45 moldering
46 OodTau
47 Feowmeow
48 Haidz
49 Cottonaj
50 Sunny_Side_Up
Lovely Muse Bottle
01 spotedpelt
02 Kneph
03 GingerCore
04 springsprout
05 SirCrocodile
06 pillowfighters
07 GiaPlayz
08 gothcorez
09 moods
10 Lemolime
11 Dogcat
12 Mothmaam
13 lily1015
14 CandyLui
15 pinecrowz
16 MossyRelics
17 wrr
18 Ockham
19 tarnished_dreamss
20 Steinbit
21 BarranBones
22 MarvelousMim
23 Mothle
24 V_E_N_U_S
25 Vambyxx
26 DreamsInPink
27 noghostzone
28 joba
29 circusbear
30 Asher
31 Lights
32 vai
33 CrispinAsheYA
34 Stonimus
35 hanmaj
36 Astoria
37 Millipedish
38 rivulet
39 nixexspatio
40 biitten
41 WishOnAStar
42 shoegays
43 SansiMoraLeoref
44 sunny_day
45 wowozella
46 Clementeas
47 Troublegum
48 solareism
49 esmarose
50 gemini
Sweetheart Box
01 Grabby_Hands
02 Azenari
03 fxgirl
04 chillet
06 Bi0h4z4rd
07 aceofarts
08 sunbugg
09 Narrator
10 partycountry
11 Nebulosa
12 estreyeria
13 bonboiino
14 lalalunette
15 skeletonluver
16 Strawby
17 Dryad
18 Memory
19 DragonFaireDragonKind
20 cloudiicandy
CLICK HERE to visit the main event page!

Greetings Fanling!
The 2nd batch of Sweetheart's Celebration Raffle winners will be drawn soon!
Enter the raffle to win event items! Members only need to enter once for a chance to win multiple prizes during the event. And as the raffles are so large, there's a small chance the same member will win more than one prize in one raffle.
Raffle winners will receive one Notification from the Raffle Prize being sent from @Krisgoat and raffle winners will be announced in the News afterwards.
Just for entering, members will automatically receive their very own Sweetheart plush!
Raffle Prizes
Lovely Letter (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Plush (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Bottle (50 per week)
Sweetheart Box (20 per week)

Good luck!

The 2nd batch of Sweetheart's Celebration Raffle winners will be drawn soon!
Enter the raffle to win event items! Members only need to enter once for a chance to win multiple prizes during the event. And as the raffles are so large, there's a small chance the same member will win more than one prize in one raffle.
Raffle winners will receive one Notification from the Raffle Prize being sent from @Krisgoat and raffle winners will be announced in the News afterwards.
Just for entering, members will automatically receive their very own Sweetheart plush!
Raffle Prizes
Lovely Letter (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Plush (50 per week)
Lovely Muse Bottle (50 per week)
Sweetheart Box (20 per week)

Good luck!


The Token Game is a seasonal event where members trade Goat Tokens for exclusive goodies. Goat Tokens are special coins members can find around the site all year long. They are available in the Diamond Dust shop, from Battle Center Baddys, Random Events, Daily Gachapon (Arcade game), and Gone Fishin (Arcade game). Sometimes they are also given to members as prizes during events and contests.
The Token Game changes with each season (4 games for 4 seasons). Each season, a new Guardian will arrive and exchange Goat Tokens for their treasure. The treasure will not retire, but will only be available during the appropriate season. However, MORE treasure will be added each year (new items will have a higher drop rate)! Goat Tokens can be used in every season.
Entries will be accepted until February 20th.