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Goat Token Game Info & Item Archive


The Token Game is a seasonal event where members trade Goat Tokens for exclusive goodies. Goat Tokens are special coins members can find around the site all year long. They are available in the Diamond Dust shop, from Battle Center Baddys, Random Events, Daily Gachapon (Arcade game), and Gone Fishin (Arcade game). Sometimes they are also given to members as prizes during events and contests.

The Token Game changes with each season (4 games for 4 seasons). Each season a new Guardian will arrive and exchange Goat Tokens for their treasure. The treasure will not retire but will only be available during the appropriate season. For example, the Spring Token game is only open in the Spring. However, MORE treasure will be added each year! Goat Tokens can be used in every season.

~~~ Token Game Schedule ~~~
Spring = March, April, May
Summer = June, July, August
Fall = September, October, November
Winter = December, January, February

Click a Token Game Guardian below to view their treasure archive.