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Sugar Star Festival Event Info

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Our very special end-of-year tradition is the Sugar Star Festival!

All year long Goatlings save their biggest and prettiest Sugar Stars and turn them into charms. On the last day of the year (December 31st) Goatlings gather together and stay up late in order to greet the New Year at midnight! In the hours before midnight, the Sugar Star Charms are given to others to express an important message.

The color of each charm represents something different.
So, if you've have something meaningful to say to someone but haven't had a good chance yet, or it's to hard to say out loud, the Sugar Star Festival is the perfect time to let it out!

Throughout December, Sugar Star Charm Boxes will be available as free gifts from The Goat Princess. When opened, you will receive a random Sugar Star Charm! Sugar Star Charm Boxes will be available in the Diamond Dust shop and Saturday Night Bidding Wars as well. Save your charms until December 31st to give them out!

At the strike of midnight, everyone yells "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" to wish everyone a good new year! The Goat Princess will then gift a special Year Badge to commemorate, and thank everyone for joining us during the past year.