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Monster Masquerade redraw status!

Monster Masquerade redraw status!

27/09/24, 5:05 pm

Hello! This is r00p from the art team - here's where we currently stand with Mascot and Monster Box redraws!

*Please note that additional items, such as for the Eerie Estate explore area and Baleful Bootique, are not included in this report but are still being worked on!

+ Abyssal: goatling finished; accompanying set in progress

+ Big Bad Red: goatling in final stages; accompanying set in progress

+ Carnivorous Plant: (final name pending) finished

+ Doppleganger: in progress

+ Fairy Ghostmother: finished

+ Gourd Ghast: finished

+ Haunted Hostess: finished

+ Monster Tracker: finished

+ Skelboi: finished

+ Zombee: in progress