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Goatling Tabs SOON

Goatling Tabs SOON

26/08/24, 2:59 pm

To prepare for Goatling Tabs, a couple QoL changes have been made to a few areas.
+ When starting a new trade in Goatling Exchange, your Goatlings are now sorted in an Alphabetical list by name, what Appearance Doll they have, and their id number.
+ Similarly, when you offer on a Goatling Trade, your Goatlings are now sorted in an Alphabetical list by name, what Appearance Doll they have, and their id number.
+ Adoption Center Surrender area now shows 500 Goatlings per page.
+ My Settings now shows how many Goatling Tabs you own out of 15, and an option to hide the upcoming Tab area from your Profile.

Known issues to be fixed soon:
+ If searching for a Goatling that is up for trade, clicking on it's name will give the error: "This user does not exist".
+ When offering on a Goatling trade, there is no "None" option for Goatlings.