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2025 Plans

2025 Plans

20/11/24, 5:47 pm

Our previous decision to retire Goatling Spotlight was due to lack of member participation, similarly, Studio Blu also did not receive much participation, so we were under the impression that members were not interested in these events.

However your feedback has been heard, and Staff is discussing plans to revamp and combine Goatling Spotlight and Studio Blu into a monthly event starting next year called Spotlight Blu. Spotlight Blu will have an Event Shop where members can choose their Trophy or another item (Blu/Pnk AD or Sugar Star Bag) These details are subject to change, however this is the working plan as of this post.

Note: If Blu and Pnk are added to the Event Shop they will still remain in the Appearance Dolls Shop. However Staff is discussing the possibility of new ADs with a similar theme for the Event Shop.