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GoatTime 09:26:15 am

Join the new Discord - Final Round!

Join the new Discord - Final Round!

31/10/24, 10:18 pm

Join our official, and freshly revamped Discord!

After filling out and posting your intro, please keep an eye on your Goat Mail on-site. A Discord moderator will contact you for account confirmation before giving you access to the full server. This is so we can ensure everyone who joins the server is who they list in their introduction, and are not attempting to impersonate another player.

Please make sure to take the time to read our newly organized Discord rules as well.

Our current Discord moderators are: BerryMilk, chizumaki, Herd, Lizardxlizard, Puff, salinas, Shrine, and Snow.

To join the new official Discord, please follow this link to be invited:

[Click Here to join the official Goatlings.com Discord]

Discord link at the bottom of the page will be updated within the next few days. Thank you!