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GoatTime 06:10:20 am

Goatlings.com Dev Log

Welcome to our official Dev Log! This is a quick and easy way for Goatling Staff to post short messages about small updates and progress about the site, to post sneak peeks, general behind the scenes notes, and to give heads up about incoming updates and News posts!

MM Fusion Sneak Peek🔗

04/11/24, 7:06 pm

Grimmgill highres! Original member design by Froggio and staff redraw by r00p.
Coming soon for Team Big Bad Red to claim! (claim date will be extended until about Nov 11th)



04/11/24, 6:41 pm


Sugar Star Clusters🔗

03/11/24, 2:23 am

Sugar Star Cluster Bags can now also be found in Daily Gachapon, Gone Fishin, Flutter Snap, and Random Events! News post coming soon!


Palestine Fundraiser FAQ🔗

03/11/24, 2:18 am

+ What happened to the stream/off-site donation ideas?
We were unable to find a easy way to do so without being charged fees or taxes. We also received overwhelmingly negative feedback on the idea. So we decided to keep the fundraiser on site as this will be the most cohesive and desired location to do so.

+ Will you donate 100% of the donations?
Yes, we will be covering taxes and PayPal fees out of pocket, which will be around 25% of the total raised. Successful donation screen shots will be provided at the end of the fundraiser to show the full donation was given.

+ Will Goatlings.com lose funding because of this extra fundraiser?
Yes, holding charity fundraisers unfortunately has the side effect of drastically lowering our monthly budget, as most of the support for the site goes to the charity in question for that month. However we are happy to support this important cause even if it means that we may not be able to do larger programming updates for a while.

+ Why didn't you do anything sooner?
We did, but we simply did not disclose that we had. As soon as we educated ourselves on the situation, all of the Goatlings.com staff who were able to made private donations. We are only able to do about two charity fundraisers a year as it impacts our site funding and resources. After many member requests, and countless hours behind the scenes discussing what our options were that were within our means to do, are we now able to hold this fundraiser.

+ What about TAM?
In order to keep from having fundraisers run one right after another, TAM will be postponed until January 2025.


And as a reminder, heavy discussion and debates on deeply upsetting and tragic topics are encouraged to take place on more appropriate and productive websites. Our members are welcome and encouraged to share resources like helpful links and information about reputable charities or organizations that can be supported, and healthy conversations are always welcome.


Sugar Star Clusters!🔗

02/11/24, 9:27 pm

Sugar Star Cluster Bag highers! Staff design by Krisgoat.

Sugar Star Cluster Bags will drop either 30,000 Sugar Stars, 60,000 Sugar Stars, or 90,000 Sugar Stars (member pawns the item to collect Sugar Stars) and will soon have a chance to be found in the Arcade, as well as upcoming fundraisers.


Battle Crafts Sneak Peek🔗

01/11/24, 10:55 pm

Grimmgill Plush highres! Original design by Froggio and staff art by Berrymilk!
Coming soon to Zurora's Crafting Shop as a part of the October Battle Crafts.


Join the new Discord - Final Round!🔗

31/10/24, 10:18 pm

Join our official, and freshly revamped Discord!

After filling out and posting your intro, please keep an eye on your Goat Mail on-site. A Discord moderator will contact you for account confirmation before giving you access to the full server. This is so we can ensure everyone who joins the server is who they list in their introduction, and are not attempting to impersonate another player.

Please make sure to take the time to read our newly organized Discord rules as well.

Our current Discord moderators are: BerryMilk, chizumaki, Herd, Lizardxlizard, Puff, salinas, Shrine, and Snow.

To join the new official Discord, please follow this link to be invited:

[Click Here to join the official Goatlings.com Discord]

Discord link at the bottom of the page will be updated within the next few days. Thank you!


Monster Masquerade Updates🔗

31/10/24, 8:12 pm

+ Final Monster Box raffle will be drawn soon! Enter here if you have not already: https://www.goatlings.com/entertowin

+ Winning Team will also be announced within the next few hours.

+ Grand Prize Fusion is busy being prepared and will arrive within the next day or two.

+ Battle Craft Fusion plush will also be arriving in a few days, so keep collecting your craft items!


Mascot Donations🔗

30/10/24, 3:48 am

A wave of Mascot Giving Tree donations will begin at 4:10 AM Goat Time.


Lucky Goatling Update🔗

30/10/24, 3:43 am

As we would like to remove imagery of smoking on our site, the Lucky Goatling has been edited to hold a clover in their mouth instead of a pipe. Our TOS will be updated soon to clarify this rule.


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