Goatlings.com Dev Log
Welcome to our official Dev Log! This is a quick and easy way for Goatling Staff to post short messages about small updates and progress about the site, to post sneak peeks, general behind the scenes notes, and to give heads up about incoming updates and News posts!
Monster Masquerade Redraw Status!🔗
01/10/24, 7:17 pm
Hi! This is r00p from the art team! Here's where we currently stand on the art for the Monster Masquerade:MASCOTS AND MONSTER BOX: |
Once the remaining art is finished, the uploading process can begin - followed by the events, which will open gradually over the course of a few days!
I know everyone's excited for the event to start - and we're excited to share our hard work with you all!
Monster Masquerade Mascots!🔗
02/10/24, 1:20 am
Abyssal highres, official staff design by r00p
and Big Bad Red highres, official staff design by Berrymilk, and staff redrawn by r00p.
Coming soon to Monster Masquerade
Join the new Discord - Round 3!🔗
30/09/24, 9:58 pm
To stay organized, 100 members will be added at a time, until the initial opening rush is over.After filling out and posting your intro, please keep an eye on your Goat Mail on-site. A Discord moderator will contact you for account confirmation before giving you access to the full server. This is so we can ensure everyone who joins the server is who they list in their introduction, and are not attempting to impersonate another player. Please make sure to take the time to read our newly organized Discord rules as well.
Our current Discord moderators are: BerryMilk, chizumaki, Herd, Lizardxlizard, Puff, salinas, Shrine, and Snow.
To join the new official Discord, please follow this link to be invited:
[Click Here to join the official Goatlings.com Discord]
This is the last invite wave for the day, additional invite links and updates will be posted here in the Dev Log.
Monster Masquerade Team Sign Ups!🔗
30/09/24, 7:11 pm
Last window for Monster Masquerade Team Sign Ups will open in about 1 hour!
Join the new Discord - Round 2!🔗
30/09/24, 6:45 pm
To stay organized, 100 members will be added at a time, until the initial opening rush is over.After filling out and posting your intro, please keep an eye on your Goat Mail on-site. A Discord moderator will contact you for account confirmation before giving you access to the full server. This is so we can ensure everyone who joins the server is who they list in their introduction, and are not attempting to impersonate another player. Please make sure to take the time to read our newly organized Discord rules as well.
Our current Discord moderators are: BerryMilk, chizumaki, Herd, Lizardxlizard, Puff, salinas, Shrine, and Snow.
To join the new official Discord, please follow this link to be invited:
[Click Here to join the official Goatlings.com Discord]
Additional invite links and updates will be posted here in the Dev Log.
DAG Votes🔗
29/09/24, 3:57 am
September Design-A-Goatling Final Vote Sneak peeks! Official vote starts soon.
01 - Knockout by IWasBored
02 - Cake Batter by chizumaki
03 - Pro Gamer by Gobs
04 - Figure Skater by Flitterwings
05 - Ball Game by vanda
06 - Athlete by Steinbit
07 - Parasportsling by Puff
08 - SkaterGoat by BeetleMouse
09 - Slope Skipper by BeancakeBeetle
10 - Red Card by FreemansMind
Monster Masquerade Mascots🔗
28/09/24, 3:29 pm
Monster Masquerade Mascots are currently visiting the Live Chat for a fun interactive experience.Please treat the Mascots with respect and be sure to follow our Live Chat/Site rules as you chat with them!
Thank you and have fun!
Monster Masquerade Team Sign Ups!🔗
28/09/24, 3:12 pm
Next Monster Masquerade Team Sign Up window starts soon!
Monster Masquerade Team Sign Ups🔗
27/09/24, 9:39 pm
A time has been added to our last Monster Masquerade Team Sign Ups windows:+ Saturday September 28th = 200 slots added (100 per team) 3PM Goat Time
+ Monday September 30th = 100 slots added (50 per team) 8 PM Goat Time
Monster Masquerade redraw status!🔗
27/09/24, 5:05 pm
Hello! This is r00p from the art team - here's where we currently stand with Mascot and Monster Box redraws!*Please note that additional items, such as for the Eerie Estate explore area and Baleful Bootique, are not included in this report but are still being worked on!
+ Abyssal: goatling finished; accompanying set in progress
+ Big Bad Red: goatling in final stages; accompanying set in progress
+ Carnivorous Plant: (final name pending) finished
+ Doppleganger: in progress
+ Fairy Ghostmother: finished
+ Gourd Ghast: finished
+ Haunted Hostess: finished
+ Monster Tracker: finished
+ Skelboi: finished
+ Zombee: in progress