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Goatlings.com Dev Log

Welcome to our official Dev Log! This is a quick and easy way for Goatling Staff to post short messages about small updates and progress about the site, to post sneak peeks, general behind the scenes notes, and to give heads up about incoming updates and News posts!

Staff Changes and Misc Updates🔗

28/02/25, 7:03 pm

Staff Updates
+ Berrymilk has retired from Art Staff and Discord Mod (Due to personal emergency, but we would like to ask members to please respect their privacy)
+ Lizardxlizard has retired from Discord Staff (Due to a positive life event, but we would like to ask members to please respect their privacy as well)
+ Lostysaur is back from their temporary hiatus from Art Staff and has finished their redraw project, so the Great Grammy Design Pass will be available soon

Misc Updates
+ Q&A feature is being set up (Questions in Bulletin Boards and Answers in Dev Log) More info coming soon
+ Original Art Staff application News thread was removed due to nonconstructive arguments

Artist positions are still being accepted until March 18th. If interested, please CLICK HERE for more details and to apply!

As a reminder, violations of our Terms Of Service include chronic negativity, spreading false rumors, member/staff harassment, and reoccurring passive aggressive comments. Going forward and depending on the severity of the case, repeated incidents will result in removed threads and/or losing the ability to post on forums and Discord.


Staff Changes🔗

24/02/25, 1:20 am

A small update on current Artist Staffing Changes and who is currently working on what

+ Fawnpaws has retired from Art Staff and Lostysaur is on temporary hiatus from Art Staff
+ Snow is currently in training for Art Staff

+ Lostysaur's redraw project (Great Grammy Design Pass) has been passed on to Berrymilk
+ Berrymilk and Krisgoat are in charge of Spring Token
+ Krisgoat is in charge of Celestial Envoy Design Pass
+ Snow is in charge of Spring Diamond Dust set (Fair Heart)
+ and Sugarbear is in charge of March Battle Center update (Cherry Blossom)

Upcoming Plans
+ 2024 Design Pass updates will begin after these current updates are finished
+ On-site Staff page will be updated after our Art Staff application process is finished
+ A new work list is in the making for our Programmer, including duplicate names for Goatlings and Daily Errand issues


March Updates Sneak Peek🔗

23/02/25, 11:27 pm

Icon set by amoureux, Lion Dance Hat and Cascading Curls by Bumblebunny coming soon to the Spring Goat Token Game!

(Our selection is a little smaller than usual while we are busy with staff changes.)


March Updates Sneak Peek🔗

23/02/25, 10:42 pm

Hopeful Future by Dirgeserval coming soon to the Spring Goat Token Game!


March Updates Sneak Peek🔗

23/02/25, 9:29 pm

Fair Heart by Snow coming soon to the Spring Diamond Dust Special!

Please also join us in welcoming Snow as one of our newly appointed Art Staff!

Artist positions are still being accepted until March 18th. If interested, please CLICK HERE for more details and to apply!


Feb Treasure Trivia🔗

22/02/25, 9:54 pm

Pretty Eye set highres! Official staff design by Krisgoat. Coming soon to Treasure Trivia and HA Buddy Face Space.


Final March BC DAG Votes Sneak Peek🔗

12/02/25, 3:25 am

March Battle Center Design-A-Goatling (Spring) final Vote Sneak peeks! Official vote starts soon.

01 - Cherry Blossom by Mercedes
02 - Hopeful Future by Dirgeserval
03 - Berry Blissful by _Celeste_
04 - Marimoling by onyxnoodle
05 - Disco Love Song by SilverVampire


Palace Garden🔗

08/02/25, 9:46 pm

It seems the following baddys did not reset their hitpoints so they will be reset again.

Sweet Skunk = Done
Swanderful Melody = Done
Swan Heart Song = Done
Love Birds = Done


Palace Garden🔗

08/02/25, 6:08 am

Palace Garden special event Explore Area is currently updating, however to guarantee an even drop rate we suggest that members refrain from battling until the area is fully set up. Our progress will be updated below to let members know when it is safest to start battling.

Angel Cake = Done
Sweet Skunk = Done
Swanderful Melody = Done
Swan Heart Song = Done
Love Birds = Done
Sentimental Carousel = Done

Check the Palace Garden Archive to view where your favorite new drops will be located.


Palace Garden!🔗

07/02/25, 1:29 am

Sentimental Carousel and RAD highres! Original member designs by eek and staff redraw by Berrymilk.
Bug Battle Pets highres! Original member designs by Bumblebunny (no redraw).
And Heart Ferris Wheel Icon, original member design by amoureux.

All coming soon to the Palace Garden Special Event Explore Area.


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